Muscle Baseball Review -TWO teams -Goal: to get the most runs by answering more questions correctly Rules/Regs: ** Baseball rules apply – you only score a run by making your way around the bases. You get on base by answering a question correctly. Each question is designated a single, double, triple, or homerun and you move accordingly If you are “up to bat” you are the ONLY person answering the question If you think you know the answer, ring the bell! You are not to get help unless you hear the code words “Consult with your team” If your team is caught cheating, the other team “walks”
Provide TWO functions of the muscular system Produces movement Produces heat Maintain posture Stabilize joints Double
What type of muscle is this? Cardiac muscle Single
Name ONE way the muscular system and skeletal system rely on each other Skeletal stores calcium / Muscular uses that calcium Muscles attach to skeleton Triple
What is the name of the neurotransmitter that initiates an action potential? Acetylcholine Double
What type of muscle is this? Skeletal muscle Single
What is the name of the tissue that covers the entire muscle? epimysium Single
Name the TWO myofilaments that connect to contract the muscle? Actin and Myosin Single
Explain what happens, in detail and step by step, what happens once calcium is released in a muscle cell It binds to troponin Tropomyosin moves out of the way Actin is exposed and binds with myosin, creating a cross-bridge Muscle contracts Home Run!
Name the TWO proteins attached to actin. Troponin and Tropomyosin Single
This is cardiac muscle. What feature does this muscle have that indicates so? Intercalated Disks / Branching Double
What is the name of the tissue that covers a fascicle? perimysium Single
Which muscle type has more than one nucleus? Cardiac Skeletal Smooth Skeletal Single
Name muscle “F” Single Orbicularis Oculi
Identify the area indicated by the bracket. H-zone Single
Name a body organ in which smooth muscle is found Answers may vary…. Ex) intestines, stomach, esophagus, etc Double
What structure is this whole picture representing? sarcomere Double
Name muscle “B” Single Buccinator
What are the arrows pointing to on this sarcomere? Z - lines Single
Myofilaments – actin and myosin This is skeletal muscle. What are the names of the proteins that make the “striped” appearance? Myofilaments – actin and myosin Triple
Point to your sternocleidomastoid! (you pointed!) Double
Name two muscles that aid in flexing your elbow? Biceps brachii and brachioradialis Triple
Explain what causes calcium to be released from the SR? The action potential travels by the SR, which causes the calcium to be released Double
Which muscle is just superior to your latissimus dorsi? trapezius Double
Which muscle type is “fusiform” in shape? Smooth Double
What area is this bracket showing? A-band Single
Sarcoplasmic reticulum What organelle of a muscle cell contains the calcium when a muscle is relaxed? Sarcoplasmic reticulum (terminal cisternae) Double
What is the name of the tissue that covers each single muscle fiber? endomysium Single
Where does the action potential travel once it leaves the sarcolemma? T-tubules Single
Name muscle “D” Single Zygomaticus
List the structural makeup of a muscle from smallest to largest. Myofilaments, Myofibrils, Fiber, Fascicle, Muscle Double
If you were a ballerina, which muscle would use to point your toes? Gastrocnemius / soleus double
List 3 “quadricep” muscles Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis (Vastus intermedius) Double
What area of the sarcomere is this representing? I-band Single
What muscle helps you bend sideways and rotate the trunk of your body? External Obliques Double
Name the gap that forms between the neuron and the muscle cell Synaptic Cleft Single
Tell the class TWO things they need to know about acetylcholine May vary… it’s a neurotransmitter It causes the action potential to begin on the muscle cell It is released from the synapse It travels across the synaptic cleft Home Run!
What muscle allows you to wrinkle your forehead? Frontalis Double
What is the name of the connection between actin and myosin? Cross-bridge Single
Scenario: Your friend hits you in the back of the head with a baseball and you bruise your muscle. What muscle would this be? occipitalis Double
What is the name of the “area” where the neuron meets the muscle? Neuromuscular Junction Single
Name TWO muscles that aid in movement of the humerus Deltoid Trapezius Latissimus Dorsi Pectoralis Major Triple
Which hamstring runs along the femur and causes knee flexion? Biceps femoris Or semimembranosus / semitendinosus Single
Scenario: A woman is screaming in pain as she pushes to give birth to her baby. What major skeletal muscle is she using? Rectus Abdominus Double
Why triggers an action potential start on a muscle cell? Due to the acetylcholine build up on the sarcolemma Double
Which band, A or I, shortens in a muscle contraction? I – band The A-band is made of myosin (thick) and pulls the actin (thin) in , causing the I –band to shorten, not the A-band. Single
Which major back muscle would you be using to try to clap your hands behind your back? Latissimus dorsi Single
Show the class how each of the following look: Adduction and Supination Yay! You did it! Double
Which muscle allows you to lift your lip? Levator labii single
Explain rigor mortis and why it occurs at a cellular level. It is when the muscles lock up after death; It occurs when the body runs out of ATP and the calcium can no longer be contained, therefore initiating constant crossh bridge, and there is no ATP to reset the myosin heads. Home Run