What is EAAG? A voluntary membership organization for Trusts & Foundations in East Africa started in 2003 Membership drawn from Community Foundations, Family Trusts/Foundations, Corporate Foundations & other types of Grantmaking and non-grantmaking organizations. Currently has 26 members across 4 countries
WHY EAAG ? We came together to: Promote local Philanthropy as a strategy for social development Promote best practices in local giving, resource mobilization and Grantmaking Build capacity of members in asset development, management, governance & grantmaking Facilitate learning , networking, and information & knowledge sharing among members Advocate for an enabling environment that promotes local giving
Strategic Goals Increased Local Giving Build Strategic Alliances and Supporter Networks for Philanthropy Develop a Knowledge Base and Best Practices for Organized Philanthropy Create a Vibrant Network of Members and Grantmakers
OUR MEMBERS Safaricom Foundation Rural Livelihood Development Company Social Action Trust Fund Tanzania Gatsby Charitable Trust AAR Beckmann Trust Strive Foundation Rwanda Rwanda Development Organization Ufadhili Trust Rattansi Educational Trust, Kenya Allavida Kenya Human Rights Network Uganda Gertrude Hospital Foundation UHAI-EASHRI KENGEN Foundation Aga Khan Foundation, East Africa Bernard van Leer Foundation Chandaria Foundation Community Development Fund of Tanzania Ford Foundation, Eastern Africa Foundation for Civil Society Independent Development Fund, Uganda Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kabaka Foundation Kenya Community Development Foundation Rahimtulla Trust Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Contributions Fund
OBJECTIVE Highlight the contribution of local foundations and Trusts towards social change as well as build a knowledge base for philanthropy in the region and the global community.
SURVEY FINDINGS How Much Did You Give? A total of USD 27,045,597.
What Were Your Sources of Funding?
Who Were the Major Institutional Beneficiaries?
Which Sectors Did You Fund?
Major Challenges Increased societal needs against limited resources Lack of Transparency and Accountability among Recipients Unfriendly national tax laws on charitable giving Poor Management of donations/grants
ONLINE GIVING “make no mistake: The e-philanthropy revolution is here to stay, and it will transform charitable giving in as profound a way as technology is changing the commercial world. NGOs that have dismissed e-philanthropy or run from it in confusion, will, sooner or later, need to become reconciled to it. If they don’t, they risk losing touch with donors and hurting the vitality of their work.” in Chronicle of Philanthropy Network for Good estimates that as of 2013, online giving has reached USD 860M. Though, only 10% of total giving.
Some Facts Access to Internet, 3G, SMS and mobile money open up the tools for people to decide and donate to the causes that they want to support Individual donations are now the largest component of philanthropy Online Giving Marketplaces (such as Globalgiving, DonorsChoose, Give2India) raise significant amounts of money. Dwindling Foreign Donations calls for alternative sources Online Information hubs such as GuideStarand Charity Navigator play a role in ensuring transparency Social Technology has the potential to help spread the word about smaller, more community based organisationsand projects Mobile money penetration is growing rapidly in developing countries and provides a less expensive and easier way to donate funds
Trends of Growth of Online Giving from 2003 to 2009 Online Giving……cont Trends of Growth of Online Giving from 2003 to 2009
Online Fundraising Among EAAG Members Organization Presence of Donate Portal Amounts collected TANZANIA Community Development Trust Fund Yes None Foundation for Civil Society No Kinondoni Community Foundation Social Action Trust Fund Tanzania Gatsby Trust
Did You Know
Questions? Why are we not making use of existing Tax breaks for charity to fundraise locally? Is mobile money only for crises? Transparency and Accountability- Is this our bane? Can we raise the bar and look deeper? Is 15% reaaaaaaally that bad?
East Africa Association of Grantmakers (EAAG) Our Contacts East Africa Association of Grantmakers (EAAG) P.O Box 49626- 00100, GPO, Nairobi Tel: +254 020 315773 Mobile: +254 722 573 575 Fax: +254 020 2244470 Email: info@eaag.org Website: www.eaag.org Social Media Facebook: East Africa Association of Grantmakers Twitter: @EAAG_Africa #EAGrantmakers Pearltree: EAAG_Africa Blog: eaagblog.wordpress.com Paper.li The Philanthropist Daily!!