What are rights? Human life versus animal life.
What are Human Rights? What are the most known human rights?
What are animal rights? What are the most known animal rights?
1. What is it? 2. Functions 3. Animal Entertainment
1.Only 40% believe that animals have rights. 2. The least right to be fullfill for animals and humans is the Right to live % of th people interviwed are against animal testing.
ANIMAL ORGANIZATIONSHUMAN ORGANIZATIONS Worldwide: THLN (texas humane legislation network), PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of animals) WISPA, HSUS, ASPCA, among others In Perú: Vida digna, Entre patas, Human advocates, Ku profesors, among others
Not only humans have rights, animals have rights too. People has to be reeducated or taught since their first steps to fullfill their own rights, as well as animals. The only way to change that is to educate children. Infertilize your pets in order to bring unwanted pets to the world. People need to change their costumes and their ways to be entertained. There should be no more bullfighitng and more Cirque du Solei.
1.Universal Declaration of Animal Rights. 2. We will help Vida Digna by selling their products at the Bazar Navideño.