Culture of Ancient Greece 5-1a
Greek Mythology Myths- Traditional stories about gods and heroes Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses. Believed they affected people’s lives and shaped events
Greek gods and goddesses Greeks thought they controlled nature 12 most important gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus
Greek gods and goddesses Zeus Was the Chief God the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak.
Greek gods and goddesses Athena The goddess of wisdom and crafts and war Athena was the Goddess of the more disciplined element of War, such as Strategy.
Greek gods and goddesses Ares Was the god of war son of Zeus and Hera. His keen and sacred birds were the woodpecker, the eagle owl and, especially in the south, the vulture.
Greek gods and goddesses Apollo God of the sun and poetry and light As patron god of musicians and poets, he carries a lyre and his symbol represents the “egg of creation”.
Greek gods and goddesses Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty Because of her beauty other gods feared that jealousy would interrupt the peace among them and lead to war.
Greek gods and goddesses Hades god of the underworld The god of death and the dead. He presided over funeral rites and defended the right of the dead to do burial. Hades was also the god of the hidden wealth of the earth
Greek gods and goddesses Hestia Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth fire, hence presiding over domestic life. She is the eldest sister of Zeus.
Greek gods and goddesses Artemis Artemis is the goddess of the wilderness, the hunt and wild animals The daughter of Leto and Zeus, and the twin of Apollo. p3
Greek Oracle Greeks believed that the gods gave prophecy Oracle- a sacred shrine where a priest or priestess spoke with the gods.
Greek Oracle Delphi Delphi was the site of the Delphic oracle, the most important oracle in the classical Greek world, and a major site for the worship of the god Apollo after he slew the Python p.5
Greek Poetry and fables Greek poems and stories are the oldest in the western world Epics-Long poems about heroic deeds Homer- wrote these epics
Greek Poetry and fables ILLiad and the Odyssey The first great epics Homer’s stories taught Honor & Courage. Homer’s stories taught people to be the best they could be.