The Next Step – Academic Clinical Fellowship Mike Bennett St Gemma’s Professor of Palliative Medicine Vikas Kaura MRC/BJA/RCoA Clinical Research Training Fellow in Anaesthesia
When? Usually at entry to higher specialty training (ST3 level) Some specialties have entry at ST1 Shape of Training may alter this in the future however
You should have….. a high-level interest in the proposed academic field, backed up if possible by relevant publications, prizes or distinctions; the potential as a doctoral researcher clarity about longer-term career aspirations and how this Fellowship will provide opportunities for your career development.
Shortlisting applications ESSENTIAL Evidence of achievement of Foundation or CMT competences Demonstration of, understanding of, and commitment to, an academic clinical career
Shortlisting applications DESIRABLE Qualifications: Intercalated honours for BSc and/or additional qualifications e.g. MSc etc Distinction or honours during MBBS programme Other achievements: Prizes Presentation of work at a national or international meeting Publications in peer reviewed journals
Shortlisting applications Knowledge Research experience Understands the clinical academic career pathway Articulates convincing reasons for applying for ACF post Communication: Evidence of team working skills Evidence of leadership potential Evidence through scientific publications and presentations
The interview
What will give you the edge Before the interview Work out and rehearse why you want this job / career A practical or clinical based story is usually most convincing = a difficult clinical scenario that prompted you to question the strength of the evidence base for management of X = you were ‘forced’ to work in Prof Y’s lab or on Dr Z’s clinical trial but began to realise how the research might impact on patient care
What will give you the edge At interview Look like you mean business, maintain good eye contact Its absolutely fine to be nervous but avoid drinking water like a goldfish take a few seconds to formulate your thoughts before speaking this can make you sound more clever too….. ask for clarification if you have no idea what they are on about The panel want to feel your enthusiasm and passion but be thoughtful and considered; it’s not X Factor evidence and examples win points
Scoring sheets
The Application ACF1/ST1 in Anaesthesia Not the routine process!
The Application High-level of interest Potential doctoral researcher Speciality Research Potential doctoral researcher Research ingrained Deeper understanding Career Aspirations Short/medium/long term goals Clinical Academic
Application-2 DESIRABLE NOT ESSENTIAL Qualifications: Achievements: Have or you don’t Achievements: Prizes Med School Small/big Presentation of work at a national or international meeting Audit/case reports/student projects
Application-3 Knowledge Communication: Research experience CAT pathway Why this ACF post Opportunity and best suited to you! Communication: Team working Clinical/academic/extracurricular Leadership potential Committees/rep
Sell Yourself
Job designed for you Pre-interview Read up on My application! My previous projects/research Project/Place/Person The interview panel Practice.....PRActice.....PRACTICE! Job designed for you
The Interview Look the part Act the Part Think on my feet! Luck Professional attire You are the FUTURE Act the Part Charm Confidence Composure Think on my feet! Luck Power calculation Question(s) important to me