Particularities in school organizational culture and the leader’s role in its development Dr Jovan Miljković, Docent Faculty of Philosophy, University in Belgrade November 24, 2017 Sofia, Bulgaria
Organizational culture collective mind of the organization
Organizational culture Personality of the organization
Organizational culture elements Cognitive elements Symbolic elements
behaviour models/ interaction customs within the organization Cognitive elements Symbolic elements beliefs language values slang expectations stories asumptions myths ethics legends feelings heroes meanings rituals informal rules logo way of thinking physical appearance worldview communication form attitudes behaviour models/ interaction climate ceremonies dedication anecdotes identity customs within the organization ideology way of doing business norms habits company spirit tradition vision practice mutual expectations facilities
Types of organizational culture The culture of power roles tasks support
Subculture Supportive subcultures Counterculture
Characteristics of the sector in which the organization operates Organizational culture National culture Characteristics of the sector in which the organization operates History of the company/ leader’s personality
Leader and leadership styles Visionary Coaching Affiliative Democratic Tempo dictating Commanding
Example: Gymnasium XXX, Belgrade Life and safety as dominant values Dress code Additional educational work with parents and students on prevention of drug addiction, sectarianism and suicide Intensified work of psychological-pedagogical service Promotion of healthy life styles actively suppoted by the school principal Security cameras School police officer
Recommended literature Alibabić, Š. (2008). Razvijanje liderskih kompetencija, Andragoške studije, 2, 250 – 262. Goleman,D, Bojacis, R, Maki, E. (2006). Emocionalna inteligencija u liderstvu. Novi Sad: Adižes Janićijević, N. (1997). Organizaciona kultura – kolektivni um organizacije. Novi Sad: Ulixes i Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu. Marićević, L. (2014). Faktori liderstva, Andragoške studije, 1, 91-108 Miljković, J., Schramm, M. (2015). Organizaciona subkultura i obrazovanje zaposlenih, Andragoške studije, 1. 121-143 Miljković, J. (2008). Nastanak koncepta organizacione kulture, njegov uticaj na menadžment i andragoške implikacije, u: Š. Alibabić, Peajtović, A. (ur) Obrazovanje i učenje – pretpostavke evropskih integracija, Beograd: IPA. Yukl, G. (2008). Rukovođenje u organizacijama. Zagreb: Jastrebarsko