May 21-25th, 2012 Cairns, Australia Meeting of the Expert Working Group on Phytosanitary Capacity Development May 21-25th, 2012 Cairns, Australia
Strategy & Work Plan The EWG recommended that: the strategy be sent to various stakeholders and donors the strategy be promoted during other events IPPC Secretariat develops a presentation on the strategy for general use. Distribution list were suggested at the meeting.
The Capacity Development Committee (CDC) To be set up in accordance with ToRs / RoP approved by CPM-7 The ToRs and the RoPs were presented & discussed by the EWG focus on the criteria & qualifications of members. The EWG worked on the general requirements, criteria, value of the criteria, assessment measures and verification means to support the decisions of the Bureau on the CDC membership.
The Capacity Development Committee (CDC)/2 The first meeting of CDC to be held early December 2012. integration with the EWG IPPC Secretariat to issue urgently an open call for nomination of candidates communicate to RPPOs & NPPOs The Bureau to make the final selection in the October meeting.
Information & Decisions The design of the technical resources website be improved Models of PCs used by contracting parties, if included on the page, to be defaced with a watermark or posted as a read-only docs. EWG to leverage different activities to promote the website Other information areas Project databases Activities database Donors table Roster of consultants
Technical resources The EWG developed criteria to categorize/prioritize these. to be included in the resources page The technical resources be proposed in any language priority given to UN languages. IPPC Secretariat to provide the EWG with a priority list of resources to be reviewed. Documents not easily accessed to be given priority.
Technical resources/2 Full documents rather than links be provided. Documents reviewed and noted by other SBs (not the CDC) be automatically posted IPPC Secretariat to provide the mechanism for reviewing technical resources between meetings. Documents exempted of review by the EWG: PRAs, bilateral agreements, comprehensive diagnostic resources and pest fact sheets.
Implementation Review Support System Findings from ISPMs 4, 6 & 8 were reviewed. Presented/reported: Summaries of case studies - aquatic plants & internet trade. The report of the Triennial Review Group. A general survey on all ISPMs and the IPPC to be released shortly. Agreed on future actions / activities The lack of consolidated best practices for managing aquatic plants that are pests noted suggested this kind of document be developed and posted on
Advocacy and Resource Mobilization/2 The EWG provided basis for prep of a project proposal to address implementation of ISPM 15 The EWG to seek synergies with the CD group in the APPPC on the identification of the components of the project. A workshop on surveillance anticipated to be organized by APPPC in October 2012 expected to propose the development of a number of technical documents.
Advocacy and Resource Mobilization/3 The EWG recommended seeking donor support for activities such as regional approach to information management systems. Decided that a PPG on the issue be submitted to STDF - as a 1st step. Malaysia to submit the PPG to STDF by the end of 2012 Mr. Ian Naumann to prepare a project proposal concept for the South East Asian Region
Capacity Development Activities The criteria for prioritizing the products to be developed under the project STDF/PG/350 developed. 18 products to be developed after application of the criteria agreed.
Capacity Development Activities Two draft project proposals to be presented to the STDF reviewed and suggestions on the needed improvements made For both proposals IPPC Secretariat to revise and present for consideration by the EWG. Members of the EWG to identify countries to propose the projects to the STDF - June 2012. The institutions from which member of EWG come to submit letters of support - September 2012.
Capacity Development Activities/2 The EWG suggested inclusion of an update on PCE as a standing agenda item in meetings of the CDC. IPPC Secretariat reported that 7 regional workshops to discuss draft standards planned for 2012 will present an opportunity to highlight other IPPC activities