How can Little League teach children to be responsible? Eugene Little League How can Little League teach children to be responsible?
History of the Game Williamsport, Pennsylvania 1938 Carl Stotz wanted to create organized teams for his young nephews to start playing baseball instead of pick up games in the street.
Little League’s Growth Nearly 200,000 teams All 50 U.S. States Over 80 countries Approximately 2,400,000 boys
Locally: District 9 Four Little Leagues in District 9: Eugene Little League Sheldon Little League Thurston Little League South Valley Little League
Clinic at PK Park Season begins in March Oregon Ducks will be hosting a free clinic February 8th Registration and uniform fittings will be February 8th and 15th PK Park
Sources Charity Hansen- President of Eugene Little League The children of board members will be available to interview Interviewing members of the board as parents
Visuals Photo/Video of children playing baseball Photo/Video of Charity’s sons’ mapped out plan Photo/Video of Oregon Duck Clinic at PK Park