Measurement of Ozone Production Rate Hao Huang, Juan Najera, Kate Faloon and Bill Bloss School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham
Impacts of Ambient Ozone Act as greenhouse gas Photochemical smog Harmful to Humans and Plants Precursor for Atmospheric Oxidants (OH radicals)
Ozone production Chemistry
Ozone Production Rate(OPR) Project Aims To develop and apply a new instrument to directly measure local atmospheric ozone production rates - for comparison with, and validation of, numerical models. Accurately measured local ozone production rate data is very useful for developing VOC or NOx control strategy at local level.
OPR System Principle We have been measuring d[Ox]/dt Simplified OPR system connections NO + O3 NO + O2 NO2 + hv NO + O NO + O3 NOx = NO + NO2 OX = NO2 + O3 We have been measuring d[Ox]/dt
OPR instrument during winter clearfLo in London 2012
OPR instrument during summer clearfLo in London 2012
Thu 9 / Fri 10 Aug preliminary results in London
Our future work Improvements on the several components of OPR system. Future data analysis. Compare measured OPR to Modelling in the future…
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