Analyzing Superheroes Essay 2 Analyzing Superheroes
What does Analysis Mean? The Norton’s 4th Edition states that: “…many texts combine words, images, and sounds. We are constantly bombarded with texts” everywhere we turn (94). We want to not only respond to these texts, or superheroes as in this version of the assignment, but understand them as well. We analyze things in order to understand how they work then, right? How do we do that?
One way to analyze Look for the Rhetorical Situations at work, or in this case a comic book: What is the purpose of this comic book? Who is the audience that this comic book appeals to? Does the comic book contain or convey a particular message of some kind?
Parts of… There are TWO parts to any analysis: Summary Analysis
Summary What does it mean when we say to “summarize something? Summary (n.) a brief statement or account of the main points of something. Summarize (adj.) dispensing with needless details or formalities; brief.
Analyze What does it mean when we “analyze” something? Analysis (n.) detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation.
Key Features A Summary of the comic book Analysis of the comic book A clear interpretation or judgment (evaluation)
A Summary of the comic book Since your audience may not be familiar with the comic book you are analyzing, so you need to provide them some summary of what goes on inside it, the story and action. How much summary depends on how much the audience will be familiar with the subject and comic book itself. If its not a well known subject, may require more summary
Analysis of the Comic book This is where we want to apply the elements of analysis to the comic book. Consider what is going on that is driving the story, the characters and events, but also the use of arrangement of images, the use of vivid imagery, choice of color or black and white. Specifically aim to try and convey the Purpose, Audience, and potential Message of your comic
A clear interpretation or judgment “Your goal in analyzing a text is to lead readers through careful examination of the text to some kind of interpretation or reasoned judgment, generally announced clearly in a thesis statement” (50 2nd edition). After you give summary and analysis, you need to lead us to some kind of evaluation of the text as well – part of a conclusion.
Guide to writing textual analysis Choosing a Comic book to Analyze This is our first step and something you should begin working on NOW. We will be looking at different examples and practicing some of this genre out, but you need to go out and look for an article to analyze Let’s practice on a more traditional text.
Coddling of the American Mind To start us off, we are going to begin by analyzing an article I have for you to look at: “Do comics Matter? Do they have a purpose?” post on our blog. Do an analysis of Weird Fantasy #18
Your Task To begin reading this article while you start looking for an article of your own to analyze. We will be going over this article example specifically on Friday and next Monday