Embedding a YouTube Video in PowerPoint
Steps Click Office button in PP Click “PowerPoint Options” Make sure “Show developer tab in ribbon” is checked, click OK Click Developer tab on ribbon Click the “more controls” button (hammer and wrench) Scroll down until you see “Shockwave Flash Object” and click OK Draw a box on the PP slide that you want video to play on Get/find a YouTube Video, and copy the URL Right Click on box (where your video will play), and click “properties” (enlarge properties box to make it easier to view) Click in the box next to “Movie” and paste in the URL from YouTube Inside the URL delete “watch?” from the URL Delete the “=“ sign and replace it with a forward slash / Set Loop and Play both to False (this will allow you to push play when the slide comes up, and it will not loop or continue to play) Note: The video is not actually saved in PP, you will need a working Internet connection in order for this video to play inside your slideshow