Studies for Particle Driven Plasma Acceleration at PITZ


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Presentation transcript:

Studies for Particle Driven Plasma Acceleration at PITZ Experiments planned utilizing PITZ (Photo Injector Test facility at DESY, Zeuthen site) Matthias Gross Helmholtz Virtual Institute on Plasma Acceleration Meeting SLAC, 8. October 2012

Contents Introduction Unique positioning of Photo Injector Test Facility (PITZ) State of development of plasma cell experiment Outlook: high transformer ratio

DESY, Location Zeuthen Former Institute for High Energy Physics in Zeuthen (Academy of Sciences of the GDR). Was merged with DESY on 1st January 1992 200 employees of which 50 are scientists

Photo Injector Test facility at Zeuthen – PITZ Goals & research activities Study, development, characterization and conditioning of electron beam sources for FLASH and the European XFEL Testing new developments e.g. laser system, accelerating structures (e.g. PWA), deflecting structure, cathodes, and beam diagnostics History – some highlights 1999: DESY directorate decision to build PITZ in Zeuthen 2002: 1st photoelectrons produced 2005: 10 MW Multi Beam Klystron (MBK) 2006: Three emittance measurement systems (EMSY) 2008: New Yb:YAG photocathode laser system 2009: New Cut Disk Structure (CDS) booster – Maximum beam energy: 25 MeV 2010: 10 MW In-vacuum directional coupler and a new LLRF system 2012: Deflection cavity and 3rd dispersive arm HEDA2

current PITZ 2.0 setup

Courtesy of Carl Schröder, LBNL Background Background: Courtesy of Carl Schröder, LBNL Does this work ? Dephasing ? Hose instability ?

Why Experiments at PITZ? Favorable circumstances Pure R&D facility (no users) Unique laser system (pulse shaper) Well developed diagnostics (high resolution electron spectrometer, etc.); soon: transverse deflecting cavity + dispersive section for longitudinal phase space measurements Possible contribution from PITZ: Self modulation of electron beam Later: High transformer ratio (needs bunch compressor)

Flexible Laser Pulse Formation at PITZ Photoinjector laser Developed and built by Max-Born Institute Berlin Key element: the pulse shaper Contains 13 birefringent crystals. Pulses are split according to polarization. Delay is given by crystal thickness; relative amplitude can be varied freely by adjusting relative angle between crystals motorized rotation stage Shaped ouput pulses temperature controlled birefringent crystal FWHM = 25 ps edge10-90 ~ 2.2 ps edge10-90 ~ 2 ps birefringent shaper, 13 crystals OSS signal (UV) birefringent shaper, 13 crystals Gaussian input pulses Will, Klemz, Optics Express 16 (2008) , 4922-14935

Experimentally Demonstrated Pulse Shapes Driver + witness bunch Modulated driver + witness bunch Modulated driver Multi bunches

PIC (Particle in Cell) Simulation of PITZ Experiment Expected energy modulation 600 keV. PITZ beam energy spread as low as 60keV. Resolution of TDS/HEDA2: 10keV and 100m (Malyutin et al. “Simulation of the Longitudinal Phase Space Measurements With the Transverse Deflecting Structure at PITZ”, Proc. of IPAC 2012, MOPPP034  Measurable Beam parameters Setup 1 Total charge, pC 100 Longitudinal beam position, m 6.35 Horizontal rms beam size, um 49.8 Vertical rms beam size, mm 51.2 Bunch length in FWHM, mm 5.92 Average kinetic energy, MeV 24.55 Rms energy spread, keV 27.5 Peak slice current, A 5.2 Horizontal rms emittance, mm mrad 0.37 Horizontal beam divergence, mrad 0.008 Vertical rms emittance, mm mrad 0.38 Vertical beam divergence, mrad 0.002 Longitudinal rms emittance, keV mm 42.4 Peak beam density, 10^12 e / cm^3 9.1 PITZ resolution window Simulations: Alberto Martinez de la Ossa

Lithium Plasma Cell Principle: Evaporate Lithium in central pipe (700°C) Define beginning and end of Lithium zone with steep temperature gradient and Helium buffer gas Once pressure regions have stabilized: Ionize Lithium gas with laser (Photoionization with ArF or field ionization with Ti:Sa) Inject particle beam for PWA experiment Figure from: P. Muggli et al. “Photo-Ionized Lithium Source for Plasma Accelerator Applications”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 27 (1999), pp. 791-799

Optics for Laser Plasma Generation Axicon for homogeneous ionization profile Adjustable aperture to define length of plasma channel Simple focusing mirror Length of plasma channel defined by Li gas volume Li gas e- beam Plasma channel Aperture Li gas e- beam

Simulation: Scenarios for Plasma Cell Insertion Schematic views Electron beam rms size More complex beam focusing for setup 2 Setup 1 Setup 2 Simulations: Martin Khojoyan

Simulation: Beam Properties Beam properties for Setup 1 (Imain = 363A) Comparison of setups Setup 1: beam properties acceptable. Smaller beam size, less divergence, higher peak density – overall preferable Beam parameters Before dipole After dipole Total charge, pC 100 Longitudinal beam position, m 6.35 9.45 Horizontal rms beam size, um 49.8 59.4 Vertical rms beam size, mm 51.2 Rms bunch length, mm 1.71 Bunch length in FWHM, mm 5.92 Average kinetic energy, MeV 24.55 Rms energy spread, keV 27.5 27.8 Peak slice current, A 5.2 Horizontal rms emittance, mm mrad 0.37 0.38 Horizontal beam divergence, mrad 0.008 0.09 Vertical rms emittance, mm mrad 0.36 Vertical beam divergence, mrad 0.002 0.13 Longitudinal rms emittance, keV mm 42.4 Peak beam density, 10^12 e / cm^3 9.1 6.6 Simulations: Martin Khojoyan

Plasma Cell Assembly: Sketch Design: Gerald Koss Electron Beam / Laser Screen stations Quadru- poles Preliminary Version Plasma cell

Multi Bunches: High Transformer Ratio Plasma Acceleration: e.g. 5 bunchlets within bunch  transformer ratio >2 Setup: - use PITZ2 beamline with gun, booster, and matching quads up to z=7m - install a short bunch compressor (dogleg) ASTRA simulations through gun and booster up to z=5m use Elegant for matching and the dogleg design (ongoing) Longitudinal phase space at z=5m BC layout: compression factor C = 4 R56 = 0.15 Total length l = 1m dipoles: r = 0.6m, α = 60 deg Parameters: Q = 170 pC in 5 pulses 100 000 particles Gun phase: 10 deg Booster phase: 40 deg D1 D2 Q1 Q2 Q3 S1 S2 l=1m Longitudinal laser profile at the cathode 10pC 30pC 50pC 70pC 10pC Design with 2 doglegs (↑↓) on the way Simulation by Anne Oppelt

Very Preliminary Results: Needs Optimization The witness bunch falls in the region where the wakefield is maximum. Witness bunch Driver bunch In approx. 1 cm of propagation in the plasma, a fraction of the electrons in the witness bunch double their energy. ~λp Bunches at the beginning: Bunches after 1 cm in plasma: Witness bunch Driver bunch Energy gain! Simulation by Alberto Martinez de la Ossa

Outlook 2013: First experiments with plasma cell 2014: Characterization of energy modulation of electron beam in plasma Then: Insertion of bunch compressor – experiments with high transformer ratio etc. Cooperation with SLAC, CERN etc.

Summary PWA Experiments are planned at PITZ Now: Characterization of electron beam self modulation Later: High transformer ratio Utilization of good diagnostics and unique laser system Simulations show promising results Electron sub bunching and energy modulation with current setup Energy gain with bunch compressor Current main work Detailed plasma cell design Insertion of plasma cell into PITZ beam line


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