The relationship between God and his saints will last into eternity


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Presentation transcript:

The relationship between God and his saints will last into eternity St. Peter Worship Sunday, November 13th

Welcome to St. Peter! Our hymns, prayers and Scripture readings this Third Sunday of End Times, also known as “Saints Triumphant Sunday”, lift our eyes heavenward to see God’s people forever enjoying God’s presence and protection in the perfect world to come. Today we especially remember those from St. Peter who fought the good fight of faith and now rest from their labors. May God preserve us in true faith until we reach our heavenly home.

Welcome to St. Peter! There are friendship registers at the end of each pew. Please take a moment to give us your information so that we have a record of your time with us today. Thank you!

For Our Guests If you have questions, let us try to help. Speak with an usher, greeter, or the person next to you. If you’d like to learn more about St. Peter and its ministry, please talk to a pastor or member after the service.

Need to Know what’s going on? Our church website has the info you need right at your fingertips Check the church calendar. Sign up for seminars or events. Get access to devotions, sermons, and more.

Prayer before Worship “Oh, may we tread the sacred road that saints and holy martyrs trod, Wage to the end the glorious strife, and win, like them, a crown of life. Amen.”

Please be courteous and silence all pagers and cell phones. Thank you

OUR COMMUNION PRACTICE In the Sacrament of Holy Communion, we express unity with our Savior and those who share our faith and stand on the teachings of God’s Word. Therefore, we invite to our altar those who are members of St. Peter or members of the WELS/ELS. Visitors who wish to commune are asked to speak to a pastor before the service begins.

School Silent Auction Sunday, November 8th Donations Needed Kids’ games Packer game! food Clown

Please see your bulletin for more information. Christmas for Kids Saturday, December 10th 9:30am-12:00pm For children in our church and community  Please see your bulletin for more information.

Craft & Home Business Expo Saturday November 19th Come out to find some unique Christmas gifts. A wide array of ‘home business vendors’ and specialty crafters from our church and school families.

Celebrate the annual holiday of Thanksgiving with services on Thanksgiving Eve at 7:00 PM or Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 AM.  

Christmas Poinsettia Orders They will decorate our church for Christmas Eve and Day, after which you may take them home to enjoy.  There is a sign up sheet in Information Center, Church Office or Key to Life.   Please include your name, phone number, color and number of plants and the memorial or blessing of your choice.  The cost this year is $16.00