Back to School Night
Ms. Suggs’ Second Grade Classroom
A little about me... From Dagsboro, DE Moved to VA 6 yrs ago 6th year teaching I am the loving mother of Elliana Grace and the excited fiancé of Emmanuel Alumni of Delaware State University B.S. in Elementary Education M.A. in Educational Leadership Hobbies: shopping, playing dress up with Ellie, being with friends and family, cooking, and I am currently attempting to add working out to this list
School Fusion Check out our school website *link to grades *connection to what is happening in 2nd grade *see what Sudley is doing
The Daily Schedule… 9:00-9:15 SSR 9:15-9:45 Benchmark Mini Lesson 9:45-10:05 1st Guided Reading group 10:06-10:26 2nd Guided Reading group 10:30-10:54 Writer’s Workshop Mini Lesson 10:54-11:24 Lunch followed by bathroom breaks 11:27-12:10 Writer’s Workshop Students-writing Teacher-observing & conferencing 11:30-11:50 11:50-12:10 ESOL small group instruction 3rd Guided Reading group 12:10-12:30 Phonics instruction 12:30-12:45 Social Studies/Science 12:45-1:00 Recess 1:00-1:15 1:15-1:55 Math 1:55-2:40 ENCORE 2:40-3:25
Homework Reading Students are to read 15 minutes each day and complete their Reading Log. The logs go home on Mondays (or the first day of the week) and are due the following Monday. Students are to… Write the title of the book they read Write how many pages they read Write two sentences summarizing the book Parents are to initial for each day.
Homework Spelling * Your child will receive a new set of spelling words each Monday. * There is NO assigned homework for Spelling but please remember our tests are on each Friday. You may help prepare your child for the upcoming test by studying the weekly words. The word list will be placed in your child’s Sudley folder every Monday. This is a part of their Writing Grade.
Daily Folders *Please… Check your child’s Sudley Folder daily for any important papers to be completed, signed, and returned to school. 2. Any notes to me may be sent in the folder. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.
School Wide Baldrige *Baldrige process allows everyone to have a stake in the education of the students. Parents, teachers, students, and administrators work together to build a common vision, mission, core values, and goals that address the needs of all students. QUALITY TEACHER QUALITY STUDENT *QUALITY PARENT*
Classroom Behavior Purple: Great Job! Blue: Good Day Green: Ready to Learn Yellow: Warning/Think About It—”I need to focus more attention on my behavior.” Orange: “I had consequences and need to think about my actions.” Red:“I am NOT following the rules. My teacher will be contacting my parents. I will complete a sheet that allows me to think about my behavior”
Agenda Look for your child’s color. Check for any notes from me Please sign each night
Birthdays Please feel free to send/bring in a small treat to eat at lunch (that allows for easy cleanup). We can celebrate “Half Birthdays” if your child is a summer birthday.
Grading S+: Student is making outstanding progress (100%-90%) S: Student is making steady growth and consistently meets objectives (89%-80%) S-: Student is inconsistently meeting objectives (79%-70%) N: Student needs constant support to meet objectives (69% and below)
Our Reading Goals 1st Quarter: below grade level: A-16 on grade level: (20) 18-24 above grade level: 28+ 2nd Quarter: below grade level: A-20 on grade level: (24) 20-30 above grade level: 34+ 3rd Quarter: below grade level: A-20 on grade level: (28) 24-34 above grade level: 38+ 4th Quarter: below grade level: A-24 on grade level: (30) 28-38 above grade level: 40+
DRA’s and Guided Reading DRA = Developmental Reading Assessment Guided Reading Groups Centers(Read to self, Word Work, Listen to Reading, Computers, Making Sentences, and occasionally other curriculum based centers); accountability sheet 1st Quarter: Target DRA level 20 (below A-16; on 18-24; above 28+) Examples of levels are on the reading table for you to look through.
Volunteers Volunteers are needed throughout the year for many Sudley functions. We need one parent from our class to join the PTA & PAC. There will be several opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. Notices will be sent home with ample notice for you to volunteer. THANK YOU for taking the time to help our school!
Conferences Phone conferences are also an option Conferences will be Tuesday, November 3rd Please sign up before you leave tonight. If you are unable to meet on the 3rd, please see me. We can work together to find a day/time that works for you. Phone conferences are also an option
Thank you for coming… Please feel free to explore the room (Peek in your child’s desk and see if you think it shows a quality student.) Any questions about our classroom – please save personal questions about your child for conference day