Prepared by: Miss Samah Ishtieh Job Description Prepared by: Miss Samah Ishtieh 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Job Description Is a written statement of what the holder actually does, how she/he does it, under what conditions the job is performed. Job description is defined as a contract, written report that outlines activities, responsibilities and conditions of work assignment. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
The main elements of job description Job title Job summary Main duties and responsibilities Span of control Working conditions 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Format for job description: 1- Job title: the title of the job description differs according to the detailing of the content of the position. 2- Job summary: includes a brief statement to the basic functions of the position. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Cont. Format for job description: 3- Qualifications: includes both, the personal and professional types of qualifications. 4- Authority and job relationship. 5- Duties and responsibilities. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
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How useful are the Job Description??? Work relations: It helps managers understand the relationships to better plan for the workflow and reporting systems Work conditions: Identify hazards to plan for safety measures Selection and replacement: Be more efficient in matching between employees and the type of job 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
How useful are the Job Description Placement and Evaluation: It creates a strong professional system for placement and evaluation Reduces complains and thus improve labor relations as everyone knows what is expected Results in efficiency improvements and improvements performance and thus reduce costs. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Steps for writing Job description Analyze the job Draft a job description Check, verify and review Finalize, sign and approve Distribute Update 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
When we revise a Job Description Changing the organization chart Placement review or re-classification Changing the type of the activities carried out by the organization New equipment, automation is introduced 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Guidelines for Writing Job Description Clear and simple language Indicate scope of authority Be specific and use action verb Be brief, short, and use accurate statements Recheck by asking yourself “will a new employee understand the job if she/he reads this job description”. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Job descriptions & Position descriptions Job descriptions are frequently written for wage and salary administration purposes and therefore focus on essential duties and day-to-day assignments. Position descriptions are more closely related to organizational planning and therefore deal with interrelationships, overall responsibilities, and lines of authority. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Job Description Vs Position Description It defines duties of the very specific position It refers to supervisory and higher position It is a document describing tasks of a particular high level position It could be changed to suit the incumbentصاحب المنصب Job description It defines and limits the duties of a job It refers to all jobs up to the supervisor level It may define the tasks of a group of workers. It disregards the incumbent 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Matron Nursing supervisor Head Nurse Staff Nurse 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
The Matrons Role (Nursing Director) ➜ Leading by example ➜ Making sure patients get quality care ➜ Ensuring staffing is appropriate to patient needs ➜ Empowering nurses to take on a wider range of clinical tasks ➜ Improving hospital cleanliness ➜ Ensuring patient's nutritional needs are met ➜ Improving wards for patients ➜ Making sure patients are treated with respect ➜ Preventing hospital-acquired infection ➜ Resolving problems for patients and their relatives by building closer relationships 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Nurse Supervisor Job Duties: Accomplishes nursing human resource objectives by selecting, orienting, training, assigning, scheduling, coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees; communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring, appraising job contributions; recommending compensation actions; adhering to policies and procedures. Meets nursing operational standards by contributing information to strategic plans and reviews; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; identifying system improvements. Meets nursing financial standards by providing annual budget information; monitoring expenditures; identifying variances; implementing corrective actions. Identifies patient service requirements by establishing personal rapport with potential and actual patients and other persons in a position to understand service requirements. Maintains nursing guidelines by writing and updating policies and procedures. Assures quality of care by developing and interpreting hospital and nursing division's philosophies and standards of care; enforcing adherence to state board of nursing and state nurse practice act requirements and to other governing agency regulations; measuring health outcomes against standards; making or recommending adjustments. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Resolves patient needs by utilizing multidisciplinary team strategies. Maintains safe and clean working environment by designing and implementing procedures, rules, and regulations; calling for assistance from other health care professionals. Protects patients and employees by developing and interpreting infection-control policies and protocols; enforcing medication administration, storage procedures, and controlled substance regulations. Maintains patient confidence and protects operations by monitoring confidential information processing. Maintains documentation of patient care services by auditing patient and department records. Ensures operation of medical and administrative equipment by verifying emergency equipment availability; completing preventive maintenance requirements; following manufacturer's instructions; troubleshooting malfunctions; calling for repairs; maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new equipment and techniques.. Maintains nursing supplies inventory by studying usage reports; identifying trends; anticipating needed supplies; approving requisitions and cost allocations. Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; participating in professional societies. Maintains a cooperative relationship among health care teams by communicating information; responding to requests; building rapport; participating in team problem-solving methods. Accomplishes organization goals by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Completes patient care requirements by scheduling and assigning nursing and staff; following up on work results. Establishes a compassionate environment by providing emotional, psychological, and spiritual support to patients, friends, and families. Promotes patient's independence by establishing patient care goals; teaching and counseling patient, friends, and family and reinforcing their understanding of disease, medications, and self-care skills. Provides information to patients and health care team by answering questions and requests. 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
Head Nurse Duties and Responsibilities of a Head Nurse: Head nurses manage all the administrative duties of the departments which they are assigned to work in, they schedule shifts for the nurses and assign duties to them They collect work reports from all the nurses regarding their day-to-day activities and maintains a record of them They present the records collected from all the nurses to the respective doctors who are handling cases of those patients They assist and conduct training programs for the nurses who are new and need help 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
They also solve any issues related to the patients Head nurses also come in direct contact with the patients and diagnose their health problems Inventory management is also one of the responsibilities of the head nurses Head nurses review and supervise the pre-operative settings made by the nurses in the operating room and make sure that they have provided required equipments to the doctors Head nurses often accompany the doctors when they go on their rounds to check the patients where they present the reports collected by them They provide necessary help to the doctors such as carrying diagnostic equipments, etc., to the doctors while they are on round for check-up They maintain a log of the entries of the patients in their wards and their health reports Head nurses also look for the hygiene in the hospital and in the rooms and make sure that the patients are provided with enough facilities and entertain all types of complaints from the patients 9/11/2018
Staff Nurse Staff Nurse usually performs many of the following tasks: • Overseeing patient care • Checking vitals • Administering medication • Reviewing and evaluating patient progress • Attending meetings • Implementing patient care programmes • Working in community outreach programmes • Cleaning wounds and cuts 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
التوصيف الوظيفى الدرجة الرابعة: المجموعة الفنية الدرجة الرابعة: المجموعة الفنية الوظيفية: فنية تمريض اسم الوظيفة: ممرضة تمريض فنية بالمستشفى واجبات ومسئوليات الوظيفة : 1- الالتزام بالزى الرسمي 2- الالتزام باللوائح ونظم العمل والالتزام بالمواعيد الرسمية 3- لها القدرة على مهارة الاتصال مع جميع المستويات المختلفة 4- الحفاظ على التقارير والسجلات الخاصة بالمرضى 5- التدوين المستمر بالسجلات الخاصة بالمرضى وبطريقة صحيحة 6- الإبلاغ عن حدوث أي أعطال خاصة (صيانة – سباكة) 7- الحفاظ والترشيد في استهلاك ( الأدوية – المستلزمات ) 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
9- لها القدرة على عمل خطة تمريضية خاصة بكل مريض على حده 8- الالتزام بتسليم وتسلم المرضى التقارير والسجلات الأجهزة والمستلزمات بيئة العمل 9- لها القدرة على عمل خطة تمريضية خاصة بكل مريض على حده 10- القدرة على تطبيق الخطة التمريضية 11- تنفيذ العلاج بأنواعه المختلفة حسب تعليمات الطبيب 12- تنفيذ الأعمال التمريضية الأساسية للمرضى المسئولة عنهم 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
14- إتباع قواعد وأسس التحكم في العدوى مثل تجهيز وإعداد وتعقيم الآلات 13- ملاحظة المرضى المسئولة عنهم والتبليغ لرئيستها المباشرة عن أى أعراض أو علامات غير طبيعية 14- إتباع قواعد وأسس التحكم في العدوى مثل تجهيز وإعداد وتعقيم الآلات 15- إتباع طرق ضمان الجودة في أداء الأعمال التمريضية 16- تنفيذ إجراءات خروج المريض وإعطائه الإرشادات اللازمة عن كيفية مواصلة علاجه 17- الإطلاع المستمر فيما هو جديد في مجال عملها 18- حضور الدورات التدريبية والندوات والمؤتمرات 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
بطاقة وصف اسم الوظيفة : أخصائية تمريض بالمستشفى اسم الوظيفة : أخصائية تمريض بالمستشفى واجبات ومسئوليات الوظيفة: 1- الالتزام بالزى الرسمي ومواعيد العمل الرسمية والالتزام باللوائح المنظمة للعمل 2- مهارة الاتصال مع جميع المستويات المختلفة 3- توزيع الأعمال على الفئات التمريضية الأدنى طبقا لاحتياجات الأفراد أو المرضى 4- تقدير الاحتياجات اللازمة للعمل التمريضي من آلات وأدوات وأجهزة 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
5- الإبلاغ عن حدوث أي أعطال خاصة (صيانة – سباكة) 6- تعد وتنفذ وتقيم الخطط التمريضية للحالات الدقيقة والمتخصصة المسئولة عنهم 7- تشرف على العاملين من أفراد هيئة التمريض 8- الإشراف على التقارير والسجلات الخاصة بالمرضى 9- الحفاظ والترشيد في استهلاك ( الأدوية – المستلزمات ) 10- الإشراف على التسليم والتسلم المرضى التقارير والسجلات الأجهزة والمستلزمات بيئة العمل 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
11- اقتراح الثواب والعقاب لأفراد هيئة التمريض المسئولة عنهم 12- الإشراف على تنفيذ العلاج بأنواعه المختلفة حسب تعليمات الطبيب 13- المرور مع الأطباء والتبليغ عن العلامات والأعراض الغير طبيعية 14- المرور المستمر على السلامة البيئية 15- تدريب المستجدات من هيئة التمريض 16- إتباع قواعد وأسس التحكم في العدوى 17- إتباع طرق ضمان الجودة في أداء الأعمال التمريضية 18- تقديم تقارير يومية لرئيسة هيئة التمريض عن أحوال المرضى خاصة الحالات الحرجة وعرض أي مشاكل خاصة بهيئة التمريض 19- حضور الدورات التدريبية والندوات والمؤتمرات 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله 9/11/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh