Multi Rater Feedback Surveys FAQs for Participants What is a multi rater feedback survey? A multi rater feedback survey is a process for gathering developmental feedback from manager, other managers, peers, direct reports, and others (such as business partners). The survey gathers feedback on a participant’s leadership and management skills. As a participant, you’ll identify 8-12 raters to provide feedback on execution, people management, communications, business & technical acumen, and leadership. Your raters can be a combination of peers, direct reports, manager, other manager, and others. The survey is online and asks for feedback on 26 different leadership behaviors as well as requesting the top 3 developmental priorities. Raters are asked to provide anonymous comments about how the participant can modify their behavior to be more effective in their role. Results are sent to your HR Partner for distribution and are for developmental purposes only; however, participants are encouraged to share results with their manager. Why have I been selected to participate in the feedback survey? You’ve been selected to participate in this survey because your manager values your contributions, and wants to provide you with an opportunity to receive comprehensive feedback focused on your ongoing development. Note that all feedback is anonymous and confidential, and is shared only with you as the participant. How do I start the feedback survey process? You will receive an email invitation that includes instructions, a link to the survey website, your username and temporary password. Cut & paste the temporary password, then enter the password of your choice. You are responsible for remembering your password, or click “Forgot My Password” on the log in page, to reset it. You will be directed to a portal page where you may nominate raters, take your self evaluation, or evaluate others (if available.) Direct access to the login page is available at Participant receives invitation & password to logon Link to online survey is sent to raters via email Participant nominates raters on-line Raters complete survey in 10 minutes Participant receives final report via email from HR Participant FAQs page 1 as of 9/11/2018
Multi Rater Feedback Surveys: FAQs for Participants, Contd How do I nominate my raters in the online survey tool? You can nominate raters in 1 of 2 ways: Self Nominate Online – log on to the Survey site directly and input your raters into the system. Where do I logon? Using the username, password & link from your email invitation, go to Click “Invite Others to Evaluate You.” What information do I need to input to nominate my raters? Type the first name, last name, email, and reporting relationship for all nominated raters. How is each rater added? You can enter all your raters at one time, or you can add them separately over time. After you enter each rater name and email, click “Add.” Evaluator invitations will automatically be sent when you close out of the page. (There is no “save” or “send” button.) What could go wrong? Common mistakes include: incorrect email addresses , duplicate entries, misspelled names, or incorrect reporting relationships. Mistakes will prevent your raters from getting your feedback survey invitation or could cause other problems, such as duplicate surveys or incorrect reporting on your final report. Do NOT re-enter a rater if you have made a mistake. Contact the survey administrator at to help correct the error. Can I delete one of my raters? While you are entering raters, you have the ability to delete or modify them. Once you move off the page and invitations are sent, the survey administrator at will need to delete raters for you. Can I tell if my raters have responded? You will not be able to see who has or has not responded, but you can view the overall completion status at the top of your portal. Here you can see the total number of completed evaluations against the total number of nominated raters. Participant FAQs page 2 as of 9/11/2018
Multi Rater Feedback Surveys: FAQs for Participants, Contd How do I nominate my raters in the online survey tool?, Continued Self Nominate Online – Contd. Someone I nominated didn’t get a survey link? Have raters check their “Junk Mail” folder. Sometimes a survey link may get misdirected. Re-check your nominee list for correct spelling of nominees names and email addresses. What if someone forgets to reply or declines to participate? Raters receive automated reminders to complete the survey. However, a rater can “decline” to provide feedback by not completing the survey. Send Nominated Raters to Survey Administrator You can also send nominated and approved raters to the Survey Administrator at You will receive the survey invitation with instructions that includes your log on credentials. You can use these credentials to log on to the survey administration site, take your self evaluation, add other evaluators, check on progress, etc. How do I select the “raters” who will provide my feedback in the survey? Who should I nominate? You should select peers, direct reports, your manager, other indirect managers, and business partners / clients (internal or external) who are knowledgeable about your performance and contributions to the organization. Be sure to discuss raters with your manager to ensure agreement on the people you’ve selected. What are the reporting relationship categories? The reporting relationships are self, manager, peers, other manager, direct reports, and other. If you have more than 1 direct manager, include both in the “Manager” category. Other can include customers or clients (internal or external) you work closely with and anyone who does not fall under the standard categories. External business partners or vendors may also be selected as raters. Peers are coworkers on the same team and at similar organizational levels to you. How many people should I nominate? There is no maximum number but 8-12 are typical. Nominate a minimum of 2 people in direct report, peer, and other because multiple respondents are needed in these categories for responses to appear in the final report. Participant FAQs page 3 as of 9/11/2018
Multi Rater Feedback Surveys: FAQs for Participants, Contd How does the Do More/Do Less Scale work on the feedback survey? The survey uses a “Do More/Do Less” scale. Raters indicate if/how the Participant should change behaviors to improve effectiveness in the organization. One rating (i.e. “Do Less”) is not better or worse than another (i.e. “Do More”). Both indicate the need to change a behavior. Raters should select “No Rating” for behaviors that do not apply or when they don’t have enough information to provide feedback. Raters must rate & comment on at least 3 behaviors with an answer other than “Do Not Change.”(The system will not let you proceed unless you select and comment on at least 3 behaviors.) Raters are asked to prioritize the 3 most important behaviors to change and provide actionable feedback on exactly how to change. At the end of the survey feedback process, participants receive a report consisting of: 1) feedback & perceptions of behaviors, 2) the top 3 areas prioritized, and 3) specific comments from raters on how to improve. Is the feedback confidential, and are some groups weighted more than others? All ratings and comments count equally, nothing is weighted. Only comments that are consistent with the priority items across all raters will be shown in the final report. Suggestions are anonymous, but verbatim comments may appear if a specific rater’s priorities are consistent with other raters. Not all suggestions are shown in the final report in order to focus on the top suggested areas for improvement. Suggestions for behaviors that are not in the top 3 priorities will not be reported. Ratings and comments are confidential. A minimum of 3 respondents are required in the Peer, Direct Report, and Other categories before responses are shown on a report. Will the raters comment on all behaviors? Raters will be asked to prioritize the top 3 behaviors needing change. Raters will only comment on the top 3 priority items. Applying a rating to a behavior (ie, Do Much More, Do More, etc.) does not influence prioritization of behaviors. This simply provides an indicator of the amount of change needed for a given behavior. The 3 priority behaviors shown on a participant’s report are determined by how many raters selected those items as a 1st, 2nd or 3rd priority for change. What type of comments or suggestions will I receive? Comments should be written as “Start,” “Stop” or “Continue” suggestions on how to change your behavior to be a more effective manager and/or better leader. Suggestions should be specific, “forward looking,” and realistically achievable within the next 12 months. The quality of the feedback is based on the rater’s comments. The list of comments is not comprehensive. Participant FAQs page 4 as of 9/11/2018
Multi Rater Feedback Surveys: FAQs for Participants, Contd What behaviors will I be receiving feedback on? The feedback survey includes 26 executive leadership behaviors in the categories of Business & Customer, Leadership, People, and Execution. Each category lists specific behaviors based on our vision & values and leadership expectations – your rater is asked to provide you feedback on these behaviors. What about my report? When will I get my report? Once the survey period is closed, participants receive a final report of the feedback from their HR Partner. Managers or raters do not see the final report; however, you are encouraged to share your report with your manager to create a development plan. How will my report be delivered? You will receive your report via email from your HR Partner in PDF format. Together, you will discuss the report and discuss next steps. What’s included in my report? Feedback reports include: A summary of the top 3 “priority items” or leadership behaviors selected by your raters. Ratings by group for items shown. Development suggestions from your raters on how to improve in those priority areas. Suggestions are anonymous, but verbatim comments may appear if consistent with other raters. Details of development needs and strengths outlined by rater group (eg, peer, direct report, manager, other, etc.). What do I do with my report? You’re encouraged to discuss your report with your manager and agree on areas of improvement. With your manager, create a development plan based on feedback and track your progress ongoing. Participant FAQs page 5 as of 9/11/2018