Preparation of Ceramic Suspension Additive Manufacturing of Metamaterial Structures Avishek Ghosh Supervisors: Prof. B. Vaidhyanathan and Dr. D. Cadman Advanced Ceramics Research Group, Loughborough University, UK Summary This research project will asses the feasibility of introducing novel metamaterial structures (nano-micron-meso-macro scale) and the integration of an additive manufacturing process into electronic component design. This interdisciplinary research work will combine the use of materials synthesis, characterisation and novel field assisted processing methodologies to develop customized 3D printing and sintering techniques capable of fabricating hybrid ceramic/metal/polymer metamaterials structures for high frequency applications in electronics, communication, defence etc. Objectives Synthesis and processing of nano electroceramic powders for ink formulations. Optimisation of inks through rheology testing for 3D printability. Evaluate additive manufacturing capabilities of nano dielectric suspensions. Multi-material 3D printing of dielectrics and metals for high frequency applications. Characterisation of 3D printed structures and performance evaluation. Methodology A methodical approach is applied for nano-BT ink formulations as a case study. The processes delivered high solids content ceramic suspensions by adding suitable dispersants with satisfactory properties in terms of viscosity, density and printability. Use of reasonable amount of Dispersant. Thermo mechanical Treatment. Preparation of Ceramic Suspension Rheology test Conventional and slow Sintering method. Densification through evaporation of water and binder particles. Sintering Study and measure flow properties i.e. Viscosity, Shear rate, printability. nano-BT Suspension Materials Quantity Barium Titanate 82 wt % Deionized water 13 wt % Darvan 821 5 wt % Factors affecting nano-BT suspension printability and performance, ►Homogeneous distribution of particles. ►High solids content with less agglomeration. ►Satisfactory level of viscosity for 3D printing process. ► Satisfactory level of viscosity as a function of shear rate, suitable for 3D printing. ► nano-BT powder dispersed well in the presence of Darvan C dispersant. Results Optical Microscopy Sintered 3D printed part Sintering parameters Max temp 1350 ⁰C Heating rate 5 ⁰C/min Cooling rate 10 ⁰C/min 3D Printing Parameters Flow rate 100 to 130 L /sec Nozzle Diameter 400 to 600 microns 3D Printing Conventional Sintering Future Work Therefore, the present study is aimed to i) improvise printing performance and quality, ii) Develop dual nozzle and print multi-material component with various graded pores, iii) analyse printed parts in terms of high frequency response. Dual Nozzle design Ceramic Ink Software and Hardware Repetier Controller Arduino Firmware Metal Ink Final component