Talk to your group about your cellphone Tell your group what phone(s) you have. I have two phones. An Asus Zenphone and a Nokkia 3210 Why you bought this phone I didn’t buy the Nokkia it is my company phone. I bought the Asus because it was cheap but is a good phone Would you like to own a different phone? I would like a Samsung because I think they are very good phones and they don’t break.
Vocabulary Acquire Announce Appears on the market Begins Found Launches Merge Put on the market Set up To start To create or start and organization (2) To make 2 companies into 1 To buy another company To start selling a product (3) To make a public statement
Present Perfect or Past Simple Reminder We use present perfect to talk about actions that started in the past and are still happening now or have an effect on now Subj+has/have+V3 “I have taught in Binh Duong for 2 years” We use past simple to talk about finished actions in the past. Subj+V2 “I taught in Ho Chi Minh City for 2 years”
Present Perfect-for and since We use different structures to talk about periods of time and dates to say how long we have been doing something. For- Talks about the length of time, doesn’t give a date Subject+has/have+v3+for+ length of time I have been a teacher for 4 years I haven’t seen this movie for a long time Since – Used to talk about when an unfinished action started. I have been a teacher since 2013 She hasn’t talked to me since yesterday