With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face Handy Ordinal Numbers With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face
Hello! I am Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face, and I am here to teach you ordinal numbers. So pay attention.
Ordinal numbers show you which order things are in Ordinal numbers show you which order things are in. (Just in case you didn’t know.)
In Chinese all you need to know is one character and you put it in front of the number.
The character is 第
第一 First (1st)
第二 Second (2nd)
第三 Third (3rd)
第四 Fourth (4rd)
第五 Fifth (5th)
第六 Sixth (6th)
第七 Seventh (7th)
第八 Eighth (8th)
第九 Ninth (9th)
第十 Tenth (10th)
第十一 Eleventh (11th)
第十二 Twelfth (12th)
I’m sure you get the picture, just remember to add measure words after the number!
Here are some examples!
第一所房子 The first house
第二棵树 The second tree
第三只狗 The third dog
第四层楼 The fourth floor
第五个瓶子 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The fifth bottle
And so on! Now watch Angry Olympics 10, you’re ready for some practice!
Join us again!