David Mourns The Death Of Saul and Jonathan


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Presentation transcript:

David Mourns The Death Of Saul and Jonathan 2 Samuel 1:1-27

Today we’re focusing on how David mourned the death of Saul and Jonathan, his bosom friend. Previously we have learnt that, 1. Saul, the king made himself an enemy of David 2. God used David to killed Goliath of Gath 2. He hated David because God rejected him 3. God has chosen David to be next king 4. Saul became sad and very jealous and 5. He wanted to kill David but God protected David 6. David & Jonathan the son of Saul were close friend They loved one another dearly. Jonathan tried on many occasions to stop his father from killing David.

Saul and Jonathan died in the battle Saul and Jonathan died in the battle. David was very sad when he heard, he mourned for both of them and later wrote a long poem in their honor. This shows that David was a man with a loving heart. Today, many people are dead in their sins and trespasses. As believers, we must be concerned for the lost souls, mourn for them and reach out to them with the gospel.

Let`s consider our study under three points News About The Death Of Saul And Jonathan David Mourns For Saul And Jonathan Blessings For Those Who Mourn For Their Sins

1. News About The Death Of Saul And Jonathan 2 Samuel 1:1-10, 1 Samuel 31:3-6 Saul, the first king of Israel died with his sons in war against the Philistines. He was a bitter enemy of David. He made several attempts to kill David but God always delivered David. Despite all that Saul did, David refused to kill Saul even when he had the opportunity to do so (1 Samuel 24:10). But at last, Saul died in war. After he had been wounded by an enemy’s arrow, he took his sword, fell upon it and died. HE COMMITTED SUICIDE !

However, Amalekite man who came to tell David about the death of Saul lied about how Saul died. He lied that he was the one that killed Saul. He told a lie so that he would get something from David because he knew that Saul was David’s enemy. Instead of getting favor from David, he was killed and he went to HELL FIRE. All liars will be punished by God except that they repent. Never tell lies to make people like you or to please anybody or to escape from punishment. ALWAYS SAY THE TRUTH

2. David Mourns For Saul And Jonathan II Sam 1: 11,12, 17-27 David mourned the death of Jonathan his friend, and Saul, he did not eat

This is how they show Serious Grief and Lamentation in those days Despite Saul’s hatred and several attempts to kill David, when he heard about the death of Saul & Jonathan, he was very sad. He mourned for them and wrote a “long poem” about them This is how they show Serious Grief and Lamentation in those days

WHAT DOES JESUS TEACH US? It is very painful when a loved one dies, but some people rejoice when their enemy dies, some even pray for their enemies to die!. David was not like that and Jesus did NOT teach us to pray for our enemies to die. WHAT DOES JESUS TEACH US? Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior teaches in Matt 5:44 that We should always love your enemies Bless them that curse you & rude to you Do good to them that hate & curse you Pray for those who are mean & bullies you Never pray that somebody should die because the person hates you or is fighting against you. PRAY THAT YOUR ENEMY SHOULD REPENT BEFORE HE/SHE DIES

Are you happy whenever something bad happens to your enemy or someone who has hurt you in the past?? That means you are not yet a friend of Jesus or you have backslidden

Other Occasions when people Mourned their Loved ones in the Bible Sarah’s death, the wife of Abraham (Gen 23:2) Jacob’s death (Genesis 50:3). Aaron’s death (Numbers 20:29). Moses’ death (Deuteronomy 34:8). Stephen’s death (Acts 8:2)

3. Blessings For Those Who Mourn For Their Sins It is not only death that should make people feel sad. When there is sin, it MAKES GOD TO BE VERY SAD and He does not expect anyone to rejoice at sin. Some people in Bible days felt sorry and sorrowful whenever God spoke against their sin. Our Lord Jesus Christ teaches that only those who mourn for their sins will be comforted and forgiven. Never joke or laugh about sin. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted” (Matt 5:4)

“Godly sorrow brings repentance” Mourning for sin should lead a sinner to sincerely repent and confess all his sins to God. Then pray for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. Turn away from all sins, asking Jesus to be his Savior and Lord. If you have not yet taken these steps, you can do so now. W h e n e v e r people mourn for their sins and repent, God’s favor, forgiveness, joy and peace always come into their lives.

QUESTIONS: 1. (a) How did Saul die? (b) Who told David about the death of Saul and what did David do to the person? 2. Why do people mourn when somebody they love dies? 3. Mention four cases in the Bible when people mourned because somebody died. 4. Apart from death, when does God expect people to mourn? 5. How should a sinful child mourn for his sins?

REFERENCES https://www.google.com/search?q=David+mourns+the+death+of+saul+and+Jonathan&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV_vKvjNvXAhXM2aQKHTPrChoQ_AUICygC&biw=1024&bih=497#imgdii=jfalDCPNuKmynM:&imgrc=lR52CPiQgQWbgM: https://www.google.com/search?q=sad+face+happy+face&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKlMmS5-fXAhWJ16QKHTuHAMIQ_AUICigB&biw=1024&bih=466#imgdii=rJc1xldybP-j3M:&imgrc=xAUR0EGm-HJtAM: https://www.google.com/search?q=An+amalekite+who+lies+about+the+death+of+Saul&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQq4KU--fXAhXCC-wKHYv2DwQQ_AUICigB&biw=1024&bih=497