Workshop - ‚More than calculating‘ bilingual teaching 05/30/2016 Workshop - ‚More than calculating‘ Math and language
Hessian curricula of math – overprofessional competences representation communication argumentation Usage of symbolic, formal and technical elements solving problems modelling ‚More than numbers‘ – Math and language
Many cultures – many languages at the Liebfrauenschule Afghanistan Egypt Bulgaria Denmark Kuba Poland Spain Turkey USA Switzerland Croatia Portugal Italy Greece Bangladesh China France South Korea Moldova Iran Myanmar Romania Thailand Colombia Serbia Great Britain Ireland Peru Morocco Mexico Philippines Ecuador Slovakia Syria ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
Consequence … The support of language skills is a main topic – also in math lessons! ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language Terminology in math education More than 500 mathematical terms introduced in elementary school In math classes topics are used specific in order to promote language skills students need to learn how to use specific vocabularies according to the topics The emphasis is on the mathematical content: to practice terminology to support the comprehension of terms and terminology to support aural comprehension and precise listening to repeat and practice specific verbal structures to support the development of verbal consciousness to support the development of communication skills ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
Explorer packages – a possibility to support language Task: How to continue? Complete the following four sequences: 9 + 6 = 8 + 5 = 7 + 4 = 6 + 3 = _____ = Give a description to your partner: How do you came up with the solution and what is special about the sequence and the sum. Please work together in pairs. Choose a partner who does not speak your mother tongue. ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language ‚lexical storage‘ tens unit ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language Give a description of the explorer package to your partner by using the “lexical storage”: What's special about the sequence and the result? 45 + 15 = 60 35 + 26 = 61 25 + 37 = 62 15 + 48 = 63 … ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language Examples of different explorer packages with various levels of difficulty 10 – 1 = 8 9 – 2 = 6 8 – 3 = 4 … 25 + 15 = 40 24 + 16 = 40 23 + 17 = 40 22 + 18 = 40 … 3 ⋅ 1 + 1 = 4 4 ⋅ 2 + 1 = 9 5 ⋅ 3 + 1 = 16 6 ⋅ 4 + 1 = 25 7 ⋅ 5 + 1 = 36 … explorer packages are series of arithmetic problems which are supposed to encourage children to discover, explore and search for explanations. They may cover all types of calculations. ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language Task for the plenary: How do explorer packages qualify for promoting verbal skills? ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
How do explorer packages qualify for promoting verbal skills? Encourage sharing and discussing results to give students many possibilities to communicate with each other by using the new vocabularies/terms, … describing and specifying of results made easier by using terminology ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
Let‘s see it in class … After that we will have lunch … bilingual teaching Let‘s see it in class … After that we will have lunch … ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language ‚Gearwheel‘ Build two circles, one inner circle and one outer circle, facing each other When you hear the signal everybody rotates one position to the left Discuss the lesson focus on the training and support of the language skills. Perhaps you had an eureka moment… ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language Let‘s have a coffee… ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
Eight different exercises to improve mathematical language skills The ‘market place’ method. There are 8 stations. At each station you find a different exercise, which can be used to support the technical language of the students. ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language
‚More than numbers‘ – math and language In my bag I have … ‚More than numbers‘ – math and language