False confessions and vulnerable suspects: An experimental approach Dr. Robert Horselenberg
False confessions
Individual differences
Field and experimental studies
Experiment: GCS 58 participants: 18 low (5.4, SD = 1.6) 21 medium (9.6, SD = .5) 19 high (14.1, SD = 1.2) 22% False confessions (n = 13) 78% True denials (n = 45) And 2 false denials; excluded
Experiment: GCS Low GCS score Medium GCS score High GCS score
Experiment: GSS 61 participants: 23 low(4.7, SD = 1.7) 16 medium (7.8, SD = 1.3) 22 high(12.1, SD = 1.7) 12% False confessions (n = 7) 88% True denials (n = 54) And 3 false denials and 1 true confession; excluded, all from mediocre GSS-group
Experiment: GSS Low GSS score Medium GSS score High GSS score
False confessions Conclusion: Careful with focusing on vulnerable suspects – Remember, ‘our’ miscarriages of justice with false confessions: None of them were vulnerable (Low IQ, young of age, psychiatric/mental disorders) Maybe better focus on system variables – Those the police can control!
Thank you! Questions? Robert.Horselenberg@maastrichtuniversity.nl