Geography – Human and Physical. Science: Everyday Materials Identify and compare the uses of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses. Find out how the shape of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. Art/Design Technology Christmas cards and gifts Generate and develop ideas Select appropriate tools to carry about particular tasks. Explore and evaluate a range of existing products. Geography – Human and Physical. Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold areas in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles. Use basic vocabulary to refer to key physical features and key human features. RE: Incarnation Simple account of the story of Jesus’ birth and why Jesus is important to Christians. Recognise that stories of Jesus’ life come from the Gospels. Decide what they personally have to be thankful for at Christmas time. Recognise that Incarnation is part of the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible. Give examples of ways in which Christians use the nativity story in churches and at home. English Class book – The Jolly Postman and Christmas stories/poems. Examples of different types of writing: Letter writing, diary entries, newspaper reports, retelling narratives, talk 4 writing, non narrative materials, performance and poetry writing. Alongside this the pupils will be having their daily SPAG, handwriting and phonic/ spelling sessions and guided reading. Reading To apply phonic knowledge and skills to decode text accurately. Make predictions on what might happen next. Demonstrate an understanding of a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books and how they can be structured in different way. History: Significant historical people. Guy Fawkes, Charles Dickens and Samuel Pepys. Music: Songs Christmas songs in preparation for the Christmas show. PE – Team Games Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching. Developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Develop balance agility and co-ordination. Maths *Following termly Kent Maths plan. Number and Place value to solve problems. Addition to solve problems. Subtraction to solve problems. Measurements/money to solve problems. Fractions. Statistics. PSHE: Community To know which school groups we belong to. To understand that we belong to the whole school environment. To know people who care for us. To know the school golden rules.