My Chickasaw tribe
Table of contents Location of my tribe pg.1 Name pg.2 Government pg.3 Native Alabamian life pg.4 Homes pg.5 Appearance pg.6 Food pg.7 Transportation pg.8 Weapons pg.9 Arts and crafts pg.10 Language pg.11 Traditions pg.12 Legands pg.13 What did our tribe leave behind pg.14 Other important facts pg.15
Location of my tribe Chickasaws are mainly located in… Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Kentucky Missouri
Name Chickasaw comes from their own tribe Name, Chickasha witch was the name of a legendary Chickasaw leader.
Chickasaw is a town led by a Chief. Government Chickasaw is a town led by a Chief.
Native Alabamian life Chickasaw men were hunters and sometimes went to war to protect their families. Chickasaw women were farmers, and also did most of the cooking ,and child care.
The Chickasaw people lived in settled villages of houses, small farms. Homes The Chickasaw people lived in settled villages of houses, small farms.
But men and, women both wore poncho-style blouses in cooler weather. Appearence Chickasaw men wore a breechcloth, sometimes with leather legs to protect their legs. Chickasaw women wore wrap around skirts made of woven fiber or deerskin . But men and, women both wore poncho-style blouses in cooler weather.
Food The Chickasaw Indians were farming people. Chickasaw women did most of the farming, harvesting crops of corn, beans, squash, and sunflowers.
Tranportation The Chickasaw Indians made long canoes from hollowed-out logs. Overland the Chickasaws used dogs as pack animals.
Weapons Chickasaw hunters primarily used bows and arrows. Fishermen generally used fishing spears
Arts and crafts The Chickasaws are known fir their river cane baskets and other containers, wood carvings, and pottery.
language The Chickasaws traded with all of the other southeast native Americans. These tribes communicate using a simplified trade language called Mobillian trade jargon
Tradition and rituals Religions are complicated and cullinary, sensitive to describe appropriately in in only a simple sentences, and we strongly want to avoid misleading any body.
Legends You may enjoy the Chickasaw adventures, a series of four comic book style adventure stories from the Chickasaw history.
What did your tribe leave behind Although many Chickasaw left or merged with general population after/before the before the war, the Chickasaws would with draw into a few ,large, varified witch towns whose …… the Amercans , and threw the support behind Poimigo (moutain leader)
Other important facts We encourage students and teachers to visit our main Chickasaw Indian web site for more depth information about the tribe. that is our native American facts for kids.
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