Facial Bones Mrs. Donohue
How many facial bones are there? fourteen Function? Shape the face, support teeth & provide attachment sites for bone to make facial expressions All are paired except for mandible & vomer
Maxilla Joins to form the upper jaw (sockets for the teeth = alveoli)
Palatine Bones Posterior 1/3 of the hard palate Part of the orbits Cleft palate
Zygomatic bones Cheek bones
Lacrimal bones Anterior part of the orbit Smallest bone in the face Nasolacrimal canals – lets tears drain into the nasal cavity
Nasal Bones Inferior nasal conchae – lateral walls of nasal cavity-covered with mucus – warm & cleanse air
Vomer & Mandible Vomer – triangular bone at the end of the nose – forms part of the nasal septum Mandible – chin **only movable bone in the head – holds alveolis for the lower teeth
Hyoid Bone Not attached to another bone Suspended by ligaments & muscles Supports the tongue Provides attachment for muscles Autopsy -Broken bone - estrangulation
Cavities of the Skull Surrounds & protects the brain Anterior/mid/ posterior cranium
Oral Cavity Buccal-mouth Hard & soft palate
Nasal Cavity Nasal fossa Respiratory system
Orbital Cavity Support & protect the eyes
Middle Ear Cavities 3 bones = ossicles Malleus-hammer Incus-anvil Stapes – stirrup smallest bone in the body
Sinuses in the skull Provides structure Decreases weight of the skull Function: warm & moisten the air Ethmoid & maxillary – usually infected Mastoid sinus – connection between middle ear & mastoid sinus
Foramen Magnum Largest opening in the skull Part of occipital bone Where spinal chord connects to the brain Occipital condyles articulates with 1st cervical vertebrae (atlas)
Clinical Significance Sinusitis Facial sinus cavity inflamed by infection, allergies or local irritants (virus, bacteria, fungal) Thick yellow or green drainage Blow nose too hard – can force contaminated drainage into sinus- causes infectioin