Leadership Philosophy of Tom Peters 1
Tom Peters “Tom Peters is considered one of the most influential business thinkers of our age and has been hailed as the guru of gurus of management”. BusinessWeek "In no small part, what American corporations have become is what Peters has encouraged them to be." The New Yorker "We live in a Tom Peters world." Fortune Page 2
Tom Peters Biography Tom Peters was born in 1942 in Baltimore, USA He studied engineering at Cornell University and is a graduate of Stanford (M.B.A., Ph.D.). 1966-1970 served on active duty in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam and Washington 1973-1974 was a senior White House drug abuse advisor 1974 -1981 Peters worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company 1979 became a partner and Organization Effectiveness practice leader 1981, he went solo and became an independent consultant. In 1990, Tom Peters was honored by the British Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as one of the world's Quality Gurus. Page 3
Tom Peters’ Work 1982 - In Search of Excellence (co-written with Robert H. Waterman, Jr.) 1985 - A Passion for Excellence (co-written with Nancy Austin) 1987 - Thriving on Chaos 1992 - Liberation Management 1993 - The Tom Peters Seminar: Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations 1994 - The Pursuit of WOW! 1997 - The Circle of Innovation: You Can't Shrink Your Way to Greatness 1999 - The Brand You50, The Project50 and The Professional Service Firm50 2003 - Re-imagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age 2005 - Talent 2005 - Leadership 2005 - Design 2005 - Trends (co-written with Martha Barletta) 2008 - The New World of WOW Page 4
Re-imagine! Business practices on abstract ideas “a brawl with no rules.” How big businesses are afraid of thinking outside the box Importance of incorporating Internet to expand ideas from managers to employees. Experience is a combination of beauty, companionship, and warmth in essence of life in the new economy (Tom Peters) WOW PROJECT starts with something great which leaves a legacy Women Rule: the new economy would need new leadership with strength outside of the conventional masculine thinking Leadership is a never ending project. It could be phenomenal and exciting. Page 5
Re-Imagine! Learning Points- Motivated and Talented people ensures great customer service. Think outside the box. Know the validity of diversity of cultures and gender. Manage with creativity Make tasks fun with the “WOW” effect!
Tom Peters is one of the most influential motivational speakers in the business world. http://www.youtube.com/v/h_w4AfflmeM
The Leadership Alliance The leadership alliance of Tom Peters When managers and employees work together as a team to create leadership.
3 Major leadership alliances at work A General Motors Parts Plant A sausage manufacturer A New Hampshire high school
Leadership Alliance Leadership The ability to influence others through effective skills and insights to reach or attain goals. Alliance A close association of groups created to advance common interest or causes Leadership Alliance A close association of individuals brought together for a common cause to influence each other to accomplish goals.
Bibliography Page www.tompeters.com Official Web Site www.media-partners.com/leadership/the leadership-alliance-with- tom-peters http://www.enterprisemedia.com/product/00016/leadership_alliance. html http://www.tompeters.com/reimagine/toc.php Page 11
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