Unit 7: Essay #3 As the Vietnam war continued, opposition to it grew; Why did Americans begin to oppose the Vietnam War?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7: Essay #3 As the Vietnam war continued, opposition to it grew; Why did Americans begin to oppose the Vietnam War?

In a Democratic Nation Public Support is Necessary for Fighting a War How did the US Government Lose Public Support for the Vietnam War ?

How did the US Government Lose Public Support for the Vietnam War? It lied, misled the media and the public about the true, political, military, and moral progress in the conflict. The cost of a limited war needed to be kept limited, too. The costs (money and casualties) of Vietnam grew to be too much.

Public Opinion – “Before” and “After” According to this graph, in which year did public opinion begin to change ?

When / Why Did American’s begin to oppose the War in Vietnam? 1968 Why? The TET offensive Before the Tet Offensive, Americans supported the containment policy & domino theory We TRUSTED what our government told them about Vietnam. After this event, most Americans began to DISTRUST their own government and to ask QUESTIONS about US intervention in Vietnam. How did this happen?

“Before” Tet – 1968 LBJ tells Americans…….. U.S. is winning Enemy is weakening -- “Bodycount” = unbearable loses for VC/NVA Superior firepower & technology will win the war

1968 Tet Offensive: Massive, coordinated communist attack 80,000 NVA/VC attack Hits every city in SVN Including the US Embassy This attack shows: 1. the war is far from OVER 2. the enemy still STRONG 3. more US TROOPS to be sent 4. war will last many YEARS 5. LBJ was WRONG

“After” Tet Tet is a “MILITARY” victory = 33,000 enemy KIA – all SVN cities are TAKEN back Tet is a “POLITICAL” defeat = LBJ decides to “DE-ESCALATE” and NEGOTIATE with NVA LBJ will not run for re-election  NIXON elected ! Americans hear reports in media that US is in a “stalemate” there is “no end in sight” A “CREDIBILITY GAP” develops = DISTRUST of Government & LBJ For the 1st time a majority of Americans favor US withdraw

Political reasons for opposition 1.) 1966: Ho Chi Minh was not a real threat. Most Americans were taught to see him only as Communist rather than a Nationalists 2.) SVN government was not democratic It was a dictatorship No elections ever occurred 3.) Pentagon papers revealed that the US government was lying. (see IA notes) Presidents knew that the war would last longer and cost more than most Americans would accept, so they lied about it  “Credibility Gap” = difference between what the government said and the Truth

Credibility Gap examples: 1.) Gulf of Tonkin enemy attack—Never Happened. 2.) Nixon promised (campaigned) to end the war—He expanded it with invasion of Cambodia (1970). (See IA notes)

Military reason for opposition America believed a myth= the VC and NVA are weak. Superior firepower and technology would force them to give up. Not true; the enemy was tough and highly motivated. They were willing to lose many soldiers. “We shall fight another 20 Years”—Ho Chi Minh. Enemy avoided firepower in jungles, tunnels, mingling with the people. US lost a war of “Attrition”

Moral reasons for opposition 1. Justification for the war? 2. Is US Backing a corrupt government? Is Ho Chi Minh a direct threat to US? Communism (Domino Theory) Vs. Nationalism (Self-Determination) REVOLUTIONS are hard to defeat. NATIONALISTS in the country will oppose U.S.—not just REDS

Moral reasons for opposition 3. Unfairness of the Draft and who was fighting? Is this war brutalizing our Boys? American soldiers? 80% of troops in VN were poor, working class, or minorities. Where was the middle and upper class Atrocities were committed My Lai Massacre: 200 villagers (women and children) killed by American troops

Other Events  Growing Opposition the My Lai Massacre March 1968 US troops kill over 200 Vietnamese Reaction of Americans ? SHOCKS the American people They ask: “Is this war BRUTALIZING our boys?” Maybe we should withdraw

Other Events  Growing Opposition the Cambodian Invasion April 1970 Interactive notes pg. 756 1. What was the purpose of this invasion ? 2. How did college students react? How many students?

Other Events  Growing Opposition the The Kent State Massacre May 1970 3. Where did this happen ? 4. What happened ?

Other Events  Growing Opposition the Pentagon Papers June 1971 5. Who gave (leaked) secret documents to the media ? 6. What information revealed ? 7. What did this document confirm form many Americans ?

II. The Vietnam War began to cost too much (Limited Wars should have “limited costs”) American Vietnamese KIA—58,000+ WIA—365,000+ MIA—1,000+ PWL—60,000+ PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Agent Orange KIA—2 million+ WIA—3 million+ MIA—100,000+ PWL—????? Vietnam is still devastated—and still recovering

Economic/Social ECONOMIC: USA spent $150 Billion (approx.) Ended LBJ’s “Great Society” programs and War on Poverty USA could not afford big social programs and the war The national debt increased ($Trillions today) SOCIAL: Americans are polarized over the war= divided, fighting Veterans often scorned and neglected. Most Americans wish to forget the war.

Political Consequences Distrust of the Government & Presidency grows among Americans 2 Laws: DRAFT is abolished  “ALL VOLUNTEER” Force: REGULAR troops (full time) RESERVES & NATIONAL GUARD troops (part timers)

Political Consequences 2. War Powers Act of 1974 LIMITS the power of the President to make war 1. President must notify congress in 48 hours if troops are sent into action anywhere around the globe. 2. Can only stay for 90 days, unless congress declares war or passes a resolution