Carers Project Carers Symbol John’s Campaign / Open Visiting Carers Day 28th Jan – further one planned June 2016 FH Link Nurses Carers Packs Hospital Website Carers Steering group Carers Discovery Interviews Specialist Nurses
Carers Symbol
John’s Campaign / Open Visiting As a trust we have now signed up to John’s campaign, allowing any of our patients to have their carers continuing to care for them whilst they are admitted into hospital if they wish to do so. Senior nurses have an open visiting pass with the carers symbol on the front and useful contact numbers on the back that can be given to carers who wish to take advantage of this scheme.
Carers Day 28th Jan The event was split into two; 1) Staff awareness of unpaid carers 2) A public facing event for supporting/identifying our carers We received extremely positive feedback throughout the day from staff/patients/visitors
Media Attention Meridian News Eagle Radio
Public facing event We held stands in the main entrance for patients/visitors to come in and enquire about help and support they can expect to receive as a carer. There were 3 separate stands depending on locality. It is estimated that we managed to see over 150 people and were able to facilitate signposting. We had drop in sessions for people to talk to the quality team and local carer advisors. We used comments boxes which helped us to capture valuable feedback. Our Carers website aimed at sign posting carers to support and advice was also launched and to help market this key rings with the carers logo and website address were given out throughout the day
Comments Throughout the day Fantastic event – please can we do something like this every month for carers Thank you for giving us a voice Can we use your carers logo in a sticker form so it can be added to pts. notes, that way we can identify straight away that they have a carer Really good presentations – very eye opening about carers Please can we make sure the carers pass is for out patient appointments and radiology appointments Please can we look at more services for deaf people to call up the hospital
Link Nurses Each ward area now has a link nurse designated to caring for our carers. They have pledged themselves as carer’s champions, and are responsible for educating awareness and support for carers in there ward areas. They will be able to attend our carers steering groups, specific e-learning and external training. We are holding regular meetings with our link nurses and drop in clinics. They are currently working on imbedding the “John’s campaign” throughout the trust
Carers Packs
Hospital Website
Carers Steering group To take into account views of representative carers and disabled users hospital services and to improve their experience To develop greater awareness of carer and disability issues around use of trust facilities To recommend advice, support and information for carers and disabled users of the hospital services To give, when asked, advice on individual projects where we specifically want the opinions of disabled users. To involve disabled users in the development of Hospital Services and hospital access policies. To work towards equal access to hospital services by people with disabilities, learning from best practice and ensuring the best possible experience of hospital. To invite and act upon feedback about hospital services from people with disabilities, their advocates and carers. To review feedback about hospital services relevant to carer and disability issues. To improve communications and staff development initiatives relating to equal access and improvements for disabled people. Give advice and make recommendations on disability issues with new and building developments and / or alterations.
Carers Discovery Interviews
Specialist Nurses We have raised awareness of carers prescriptions in our specialist nurses meetings, previously this was only being carried out by our dementia nurse specialist