Winter Reading Programs for Adults at Westerville PL WPL has hosted summer programs for adults since 1997. In 2005 we held our first winter program.
Theme → Used “winter” and then moved on → Set up displays and signs -- $60 Corrugated artificial fireplace -- Signage and entry forms placed on “mantle” Warm up with a good book!
DISPLAY We “set the table” with a placemat, napkin, silverware and a plate with an open book.
→ Check out websites for theme & prizes Go Anywhere with a Book 2009 --Where are YOU going? --Keep track of your “travels” by going online or stopping at the Adult Services desk to log reviews or ratings
Sponsors → Friends are lead sponsor → Businesses donate gift cards/prizes related to theme → We offer to match their donation “We invite (Company) to partner with us by donating a $10 gift card for our weekly prize drawings. These prizes go to lucky readers whose names are entered each time they log a book. Thanks to donated funding, we are prepared to match your gift—you provide a gift card and we will purchase another one for the same amount. . . .Will you please donate a gift card to help encourage and reward our readers?”
2010 2011 Complimentary bag and bookmark to first 100 registrants Grand Prizes $25 gift cards: Local candy store (donated) Florist (we bought) Theatre tickets (donated) Ice cream shop (donated) Classy restaurant (donated) Scratch-and-sniff Bookmark was popular Grand Prizes $25 gift cards: Gourmet popcorn tin (donated) AMC Movie pass (we bought) Ice cream cake Friends provided a popcorn cart
→ Build a separate list of sponsors for winter
→Provide sponsors onsite and online exposure
Participation →Fewer registrants than in summer →Program is shortened to 6 weeks →Easy registration and logging
→ Require a book review/rating in order to qualify for prize drawings
→ Lead reader to other library resources, etc. You will be entered in weekly/grand prize drawings every time you: Review or rate a book; use our online Ask-a-Librarian service; use an online collection; or donate fabric/yarn for “My Very Own Blanket.” (We turned over 24.5 yards of fabric, 21 skeins of yarn and 13 knitted squares to MVOB.)
Results 2012 Carry Out a Good Book After 18 days: 231 registrants, 694 reviews 2011 I “Heart” Books 310 registrants, 1,578 reviews, 38 shared it on Facebook. 2010 Pop Open a Good Book 242 registrants, 1,253 reviews 2005 Fireside Reading 100 registrants, 202 reviews Linda Wilkins lwilkins@westervillelibrary