Terrestrial Biomes Biomes are defined as the world's major communities, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment.
Deserts… Species diversity is LOWER due to extreme conditions
Hot and dry – Tropical… Temperature extremes: Little insulation due to lack of humidity HOT during the day, COOL at night Evaporation exceeds precipitation Death Valley Sahara Mexico, Australia, Arizona
Plants… Adapted to prevent water loss Succulent
Animals… Also adapted to dry conditions: Nocturnal, burrowers, thick skin
Cold - Polar… Antarctica, Greenland, Arctic, High Mountains
Tropical desert (Sahara Desert) Cold desert
Grasslands North America: Prairies South America: Pampas South Africa: Veldt or Savanna Asia: Steppes Australia: Rangelands
Grassland – Savanna Africa Wet and dry seasons
Grassland – Temperate Hot and Cold Seasons
Grassland – Temperate
Arctic Tundra
Alpine Tundra
(in the arctic)
Chaparral (Mediterranean)
Forest - Tropical Rain Nutrient POOR and acidic soil MOST biodiverse Rainfall abundance due to transpiration
Plants: Broadleaf evergreen Thick canopy, less growth on forest floor due to sunlight being the limiting factor
It’s disappearing… FAST
Forest – Temperate Deciduous
Plants Broadleaf trees – shed their leaves every year
Forest - Temperate Rain
Forest – Taiga Boreal Coniferous