中澳海岸带管理研究中心 Sino-Australian Research Centre for Coastal Management School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences Indonesian Marine Policy – impacts of Fisheries Industrialisation and the Blue Economy Policy 2saiful.marbun@student.unsw.edu.au 3 stuart.pearson@unsw.edu.au Saiful Marbun1,2 and Stuart Pearson1,3 The Indonesian National Committee For Fish Stock Assessment (Ministry Decree No. 45/2011) stated Indonesia's waters are already either ‘fully exploited’ to ‘over exploited’ across almost all regions. Kusumastanto (1996) argued between 1980 and 1985 fisheries policy was oriented to production growth and export without applying concepts of sustainability or equity. In 2011, the newly-appointed Indonesian Minister for Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Syarif Cicip Sutardjo announced a new policy: fisheries industrialisation (MMAF 2011b) with guidelines for marine and fisheries industrialisation aimed at increasing Indonesia’s fisheries production in a sustainable manner for aquaculture, capture fisheries and fish processing. With particular focus on mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) and skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), shrimp, milk fish (Chanos chanos), salt fish, shark catfish (Pangasius sp.), sea weed and salt. The Blue Economy policy has resulted in the rate of growth for the fisheries sector exceeding the national growth rate, at 7% and 5.81% respectively in second trimester of 2013 (MMAF 2013). Some policy outcomes have been perverse, for example; increasing the total numbers of fish being imported into Indonesia, rising domination of foreign capital in Indonesia’s fisheries resources exploitation, corruption and new patron-client relations between fishermen and big industries in the vessel grant program, and that land reclamation, mangrove or conservation programs have been abused. This research investigates the impacts on the implementation of marine and fisheries industrialization policy and the blue economy concept on three specific communities from three different fisheries sectors and from two different locations. References: Cilacap District Government 2004, 'Map of Fisheries Area Plan', Local Development Planning Agency, Cilacap District Government, Cilacap, Indonesia. Kusumastanto, T 1996, An evaluation of government policies on the development of fisheries in Indonesia, Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 2 No 3. P. 27-41. MMAF 2011b, Menteri KP dorong industrialisasi perikanan (Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries promotes fisheries industrialisation), media release, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) of Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, October 2011, viewed 1 September 2011, < http://www.kkp.go.id/index.php/arsip/c/6421/MENTERI-KP-DORONG-INDUSTRIALISASI-PERIKANAN/?category_id=34>. MMAF 2013, Kinerja sektor perikanan meningkat dalam triwulan II tahun 2013 (The performance of fisheries sector has increased in the second quarter in 2013), media release, August 2013, viewed 01 September 2013, http://kkp.go.id/index.php/arsip/c/9714/KINERJA-SEKTOR-PERIKANAN-MENINGKAT-DALAM-TRIWULAN-II-TAHUN-2013/