Welcome to SSCC Structure and Roles (Workbook) SSCC Appropriate Issues (Workbook) Influencing to Achieve Change Public Speaking Assertiveness Leadership Lived Experience SSCCs Other Committees Before the meeting Promote your role to students you represent Gather student opinion and send in agenda items Try to resolve simple issues first hand Read minutes of previous SSCC Meet/talk with other Reps in your School During the meeting Chairperson will begin meeting with apologies and minutes Agenda items discussed. Engage proactively in discussion! Take note of any actions Other business arising will be discussed Next meeting confirmed by Chair After the meeting Feedback to students what happened Consider action points from the meeting Continue to gather student opinion What do you want to get out of this session? There are many different types of committees …. EXAMPLES?
What is the purpose of an SSCC? The purpose of SSCCs is: To ensure that Schools and Institutes receive evaluation and feedback from students on the quality of their academic provision and associated activities. To provide a mechanism whereby Heads of Schools and Institutes can seek the views of students on matters of policy related to course development and review. To enable discussion of areas of concern for students in terms of academic provision and related activities. The competence of an SSCC relates to the quality of academic provision in the relevant school or institute. This includes curriculum, teaching and learning, as well as associated matters and activities within a School such as guidance, resources, feedback, accommodation and School communities.
Committee Work Agreeing on problems and solutions – ideally in partnership, collaboratively and positively Many different opinions - can descend into polite conflict and ‘civilised warfare’ if not managed properly Always focus on the outcome required – the SSCC is just a ‘means to an end’.
Confidence Measures Be comfortable – be prepared – it eases anxiety Draw on your experiences in life so far Have your research done / gather evidence – if you know more about the topic, you will have confidence Prepare what you are going to say – bullet points Think about the issue from others’ perspective - identify the benefits to everybody Have an alternative option ready if things don’t go to plan Get support from your Reps! Remember – You are an expert on learning! Know that it is not the absolute end of the world!
Getting the Outcome Required There is no ‘one size fits all approach’ Get the issue on the formal agenda Get the issue informally on the ‘agenda’ of the members of the Committee – e.g. academic staff, other Course Reps, School Rep Read any relevant documents circulated with the agenda - know the issues to be discussed Proactively engage with the people that can ‘make change happen’ – no surprises, quick resolution
In Groups …. Identify an issue that you wish to bring to the SSCC Develop a pre-meeting plan on how your will achieve your outcome Things to consider: How to define and explain the issue to others What evidence is there available to support your proposal (Can you gather your own evidence?) Who has the power to do something about the issue? How to get support from academic staff and reps before the meeting? Did the ‘year above you’ have the same experience? How you will prepare for the meeting - Will you be asking questions, bringing along a proposal, suggesting a solution?
In the Meeting … Making Your Point Listen, without judgment, to the views of others Make your points – don’t feel as though you have to speak on everything – (Don’t be *that* person!) Be sure to mention: The issue, the evidence, the views of students, anything progress you have made, any proposed solutions. Discussion should be informal – no need for big speeches or passionate emotional rhetoric! – Keep some notes to hand to keep you on track. Take your time – don’t rush. Do you contribute your own views or the views of your class / course?
In the Meeting … Being Constructive and Assertive Positivity engenders positivity – compliments are a good place to start Do you ask for a vote? Don’t be afraid to bring a discussion back on topic. Bringing a solution can be good, but don’t be afraid to consider other options If you are being deflected or there is no agreement … suggest that there is a follow-up outside the meeting with relevant Reps and staff You can invite the Union President and Student Officer Education to help
After the Meeting – Proactive Engagement and Actions for Change Reflect on the meeting – what was achieved? What did you learn about yourself at the meeting? What are the agreed actions? Do I have any actions? – Take responsibility in a timely manner Record thanks for a ‘job well done’ – people appreciate praise Tell you class – How? … Why?