Pivotal Events My life has had many situations and rough roads to pass through. I wouldn't say I have had a rough life, just been through a lot with friends and family to school and even work.
Pivotal Events Shawna was my little sister. Even though she isn't in this world anymore, I do still have memories with her and my family. I remember holding her and checking in on her sleep. Playing with her and fighting with my little brother to hold her. The biggest and most vivid memory I have however is when she passed. Shawna was eight weeks old when she died from SIDS. Intellectually because of this situation I have read up and study anything and everything about SIDS. Emotionally I has effected to do so and be terrified for when I have children and something like this to happen. With my relationships with my family, culture, community, and society as a whole this situation with really anyone's child is heartbreaking and others really feel for the ones that have to suffer through it.
Pivotal Events I have had a lot of friend relationships good and bad. I have had a couple friends I have had since forth grade and even second grade. My friend in second grade was met a daycare. We were very close at daycare. Once we moved into Jr. High together and than I introduced her with my other best friend from school. From that day on, life was never really the same with them. I had the normal girl drama of course, but it was more than that. Intellectually this showed how to handle rough situations, even though I have had this type of problem.
Pivotal Events Parents are obviously a big impact on a child's life. I grew up with my parents fighting and being emotionally abusive to each other. Watching that makes it so I have things in my life, I handle those problems just like they did. I have issues with aggressiveness, negativeness, not being completely emotionally attached. Physically this effects by not eating, being depressed growing up and moving into adult hood these are still issues I face and fixing them is not as easy. With others in my community that deal with these kind of situations they face similar problems. I feel that with some it can make them too aggressive that can cause illegal action.
Pivotal Events Now boyfriends and past relationships will have effects for the next relationship. For example, having bad relationship can make you a stronger person but also can make you venerable to future relationships. Or good relationships can help you see the problems with yourself and help fix them, just help for the future. I have had both kind of relationships. I have had the relationships of forming trust issues from being cheated and form a lot of problems that some may not realized. Effecting self-esteem, from trust issues, closing up to others, losing your self in general, and other things like that. So it can physically effect others like eating disorders and other things like that. Intellectually it has opened my mind with how much I can truly handle, not stress out because I don't understand.
Pivotal Events . Being apart of something like playing the violin can have effects and not necessary bad either. Playing the violin for eight years consist of opening up to music and understand basically a different language. Performing in front of lager groups of people. I feel that now when I hear music on the radio or someone just playing, I can tell what kind of instrument, what note they just played and if it was flat, sharp or perfect. Emotionally this is a stress reliever, it helps when being upset or anything of that sort being able to go to something and letting it go is a good thing to have
Pivotal Events Now being a cheerleader for three years. My last year being Co-Captain. Has had its good and bad effects towards situations. High school is not something I would like to go back too. Being a cheerleader I have learned how to perform my best in a big audience and being cheerful and positive. Mean while being hated and treated different because of being a cheerleader by students and even teachers. Emotionally it effects by losing trust and thinking all people are like that.
Pivotal Events One of the biggest effects I have had in my life is Rapport. Rapport training is a self training. I went to the younger type of training so it focused on not only self but public speaking, and the effects of being on time, and other things like that. We learned how to trust others, how to be comfortable around others, how much it can effect being late for something like work or school, learning how to concur fears. Emotionally this has effected me greatly. Also with my relationship I hold. Intellectually it has shown me how to organize my thoughts and feel more balanced.
Pivotal Events Intellectually it helps me with how to keep and have a stable job for longer than six months. Emotionally having something to rely on. Something to look forward to and having good things to come out of it too. One of the hardest things I have had to push myself for is working. Up in tell now, I had a heard time keeping a job because I loved having that free time. I always end up missing it. Having the job I have now has kin for help with that. Also it is a type of place I have been wanting to go into as a career. Now I work at DirectBuy and couldn't be happier!
Pivotal Events Where I come from is what makes me who I am today. Having the situations I go through and how I handle make me what and who I am and what I make out of life. I think where I grew up does have a kind of effect. I think I am in a good spot in my life. Having a good job and make good money, having someone there for me to help guide me, and having school to help in the future. I think all these things are very important in life to be successful and happy and I have them. I want to go far in life. I want to end up having my own interior design company. Be married and have a family. Have a great life to where I wouldn't have to stress and be happy. I feel that I am on my way of doing those things. Knowing what needs to be done and what is already done.