Pre conceptual care
Lesson Objectives: To understand what pre-conceptual care is TASK: What does is it Mean?
Pre-conceptual care Pre-conceptual care is care before planned conception Women hoping to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy should: Avoid – alcohol smoking recreational drugs
Be checked for: STIs (especially chlamydia) Immunity to rubella and polio Should have: A healthy diet Regular exercise Folic acid supplement
Pre-conceptual care Give a reason why a couple who are considering starting a family should consider the following things: Their maturity Their finances Their accommodation Changes in their lifestyle
Give 4 advantages of planning when to start a family
The main features of preconceptual care are: Good nutritious diet What is folic acid? Why should women hoping to get pregnant take folic acid tablets?
Fertility and Infertility What is meant by fertility? What is meant by infertility? What can cause infertility?
Infertility Causes: Not enough sperm (low sperm count) Poor quality sperm Blocked fallopian tubes Failure to ovulate Cancer treatment Thick cervical mucus Hysterectomy
Treatment for infertility IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) Hormone treatment stimulates egg production. Eggs are harvested and mixed with sperm outside the body. Up to 3 fertilised eggs replaced in uterus
GIFT (Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer) - as IVF but fertilised eggs replaced into fallopian tube Artificial Insemination by Husband (AIH) - partner’s sperm placed directly into uterus Donor insemination -Donor sperm placed directly into uterus
Egg donation ICIS (Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) sperm injected directly into the ovum in a laboratory. Excess fertilised ovum can be frozen or used for embryo donation Surrogacy
PGD (Pre-Implanted Genetic Diagnosis) used when a couple are identified as being carriers of a serious genetic disorder
Explain each of the following: IVF (in Vitro Fertilisation) Donor insemination ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) Surrogacy Egg donation PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis) used when a couple are identified as being carriers if a serious genetic disorder.IVF
Multiple Pregnancies Identical/uniovular twins fertilised egg splits into 2. These twins have identical genes Non-identical/binovular or fraternal twins two eggs fertilised by two sperm Conjoined twins fertilised egg partially splits into two resulting in twins that are joined together
Possible complications with multiple pregnancies: Premature labour Low birth weight babies Need more frequent antenatal check ups Increased risk of congenital abnormalities