Artifical Insemination-AI
Artificial breeding Breeding : Mating and production of offspring Artificial breeding is also called as selective breeding/artificial selection. Superovulation In vitro fertilization Artificial Insemination-AI Cloning Semen from high pedigree bull is selected and cows are inseminated Two type of semen 1. RT 2. DF Semen collected from bull kept frozen at temperature at -196C
What is AI Introduction of semen into uterus/oviduct by some means other than sexual intercourse The use of semen from genetically superior male to inseminate female resulting in genetically superior offspring.
Where is AI used Cattle Horses Swine Sheep Goats Dog Turkey Chicken Rabbit Fox Humans
Why use AI Depending upon needs and goal of individual breeding program, AI offers economically feasible means of increasing productivity over wide range of traits.
Factors considering in male fertility Libido Scrotal circumference Semen evaluation
Semen Evaluation Yellowish semen Light cream coloured
Semen Evaluation A uniform solid and dense appearance indicates high sperm concentration A sample which appear translucent contain fewer sperm cells Semen with curd, flakes,clumps appearance indicate inflammation
Semen evaluation for volume It vary with age of bull Young sire produce smaller volume which is not negative factor, as long as concentration is good
Motility Evaluation under microscope Most semen contain 70% motile cells
Concentration Determined by no. of sperms per ml This is most important indicator
Morphology The no. of abnormal sperm should not exceed 20%. Most male do produce abnormal sperm.
The common causes for large number of spermatozoa with detached heads in a semen sample testicular hypoplasia, testicular degeneration, senescence of spermatozoa due to sexual inactivity occasionally specific conditions, such as decapitated sperm defect
1200 million/ml (range 300-2500 million/ml) Parameter Normal Values Ejaculate volume 5 ml (range 1-15 ml) Sperm concentration 1200 million/ml (range 300-2500 million/ml) Total sperm per ejaculate Typically 4-5 billion Progressive motility Greater than 30% Morphology Greater than 70% norm
Proper fertility record for AI Female Cow identity (name and no.) Cow Dam and sire Cow birth Date Date last calving No. of calving Date expected to be on heat and actual heat Date Date of insemination Date of Pregnancy Diagnosis(P.D) Date of Dry period Expected calving Date Actual Calving Date Sex of Calf Other records include health, production record Average calving interval below 400 days No. of insemination per conception blow than 1.5
Advantages Many females may be inseminated from semen from 1 ejaculate Choice of using best possible proven sire of proven quality Time of parturition can be synchronized in a herd when forage and feed stuffs are more available and weather is good for babies Limits the risk of female getting STD Limit the need to feed and house of male Synchronization using hormones enable the herd of females to be artificially inseminated in 1 or 2 days Safety and flexibility Allows for elimination of dangerous dairy bull
Conservation of endangered species 1 bull can breed 5,00000 cows in life time After death semen can be used Improved management-Record keeping evaluation Livestock of good genetic stock high milk producer, good meat producer, fast and efficient growth, low disease potential that otherwise could not breed due to behavioural, anatomical and physiological factors
No expensive handling, quarantine, and shipping costs of live animals Allow for the practical use of gender selected semen where high percentage of progeny (> 90%) born are either male or female. Reduces number of bulls needed for natural service. Allows the producer not to use larger and heavier bulls on smaller animals leads to danger of injury to the females.
Disadvantages Oestrus detection must be good Need facilities to perform AI Program Need experience and training Need to hire AI Technician Materials and tools are costly Technology to store cooled/frozen semen Hormonal manipulation will cause adverse side effects in breeding female and shorten potential breeding life
Drug cost for oestrus synchronization Use of poor male increase if not tested well. Labour intensive due to need for watching the herd at least twice a daily for sign of oestrus activity Risk of infection in vagina and uterus Conception rate of female are lowered if they are handled roughly
Recto-vaginal approach Steps for AI Restrain the animal.
Raise the tail with hand and gently massage the rectum with lubricated glove on left hand. Gently wipe the vulva with paper towel to remove excess manure and debris. Insert the gun at 30 upward angle to avoid the entering in urethral opening and bladder
Vasectomy in bulls
Question Do Birds have oestrous cycle? Egg candler
Breeding bull sound examination BBSE Age 12 months Physical examination of bull-BCS Body condition score Unsoundness in feet, legs, eyes Examining of penis, Testicles,scrotal circumference Libido Examining the accessory sex glands by rectal palpation Sample of semen collected for checking morphology and motility Campylobacter fetus venerealis (using Clark's medium) or Tritrichomonas foetus ultrasonography
Collection of semen Recovery method Massage method/digital manipulation Electro- ejaculation Artificial vagina-AV
Facilities needed for semen collection Facilities for safety collector Earthen floor/dry roughages to prevent slipping Means to restrain the teasing animal Easy access for semen collection Bull handler
Recovery method Oldest method Bull is allowed to mount/jump on cow Semen is collected from vagina by spoon, aspiration, or sponge Draw backs Bacteria are mixed Vaginal fluid is mixed, mixing with urine Introduce the vaginal bag
Massage method Gently inserted the lubricated hand and forearm Massage of seminal vesicle with finger by backward and downward stroke Assistant will collect the seminal fluid or semen Massage of ampullae Precaution: carefully wash and rinse the prepuce and prepuce hairs Inflammation of glands
Collection by electro-ejaculation Apparatus Electro ejaculator Salt solution Semen receptacle Tranquilizer
Procedure Wild animals and bull It is used in those bull which can not mount Rectum of bull is flushed with normal salt solution Ejaculation of semen is brought out by inserting the probe/electrode in bull rectum by stimulating the nerves of pelvic system By gradual increasing the voltage with rhythmic fashion The nerves are stimulated by increasing the voltage of 0-to 15 volts
Electo-ejaculator Electo-ejaculator
2 volts increase after 5-10s and then returning to zero. It will bring ejaculation We can give tranquilizer to bull to reduce strain It is used in those which can not mount
Sexual stimulation in bull Why there is need of sexual stimulation? Bull will mount To ejaculate more, get maximum number of sperms Method for sexual stimulation Exposing the bull to teaser animal for 2-3mint False mount
Increasing sex drive could be reduced Introducing a new teaser animal Moving teaser animal to different area Presenting 2 teasers Allowing teaser/ another bull to mount the bull to be collected Bringing new bull into the collection area Collecting semen from new bull
Collection by AV AV components A heavy hard outer cylinder open at both ends with a nozzle for air and water in and outlet. Inner sleeve of rubber or rubber liner. The semen receiving cone or rubber cone. Semen collection tube
Before using for semen collection all the parts are washed thoroughly and sterilized properly, and assembled as artificial vagina.
Requirements of AV Pressure: Now the space between the hard rubber hose and inner rubber liner is filled with hot water to provide. Air is blown through the nozzle into the water jacket, to create pressure.
Temperature: By warm water of 42-45C at collection The temperature of the artificial vagina is more important and should always be checked before making the collection. Too high temperature may cause injury to the penis and the bull may refuse to serve in future, whereas at lower temperature, there may not be complete ejaculation. Lubrication: The inner side of the rubber liner on the anterior side of the artificial vagina is lubricated with sterile K-Y jelly
During collection, the artificial vagina is held at an angle of 45o with the horizontal plane of the cow/steer or dummy. It is so because the penis of the bull enters the vagina of the cow at that angle. When the bull mounts the penis is quickly guided into the artificial vagina with the operator’s hand.
Care is taken not to touch the exposed part of the penis, as this stimulates the bull to ejaculate. After the bull dismounts, the artificial vagina is taken off the penis and is kept in an upright condition after releasing the pressure by draining water and air out of it. This allows the ejaculate to flow from the cone to the vial, which is then detached from the cone and taken to the laboratory for examination
Precautions Prevent cold shock Protect collection tube from sunlight Avoid contamination of semen by urine Use a different sterile AV for each ejaculation