Year: Reception Home Learning Autumn 2 Maths Physical Development The World Communication & Language Expressive Arts & Design Personal, Social & Emotional Development Literacy Year: Reception Home Learning Autumn 2 Try a few of these activities at home. Find a playground with climbing apparatus. Develop upper body strength to help with your writing development. Go for an Autumn walk. Look for leaves & compare their colours & shapes. Make leaf rubbings. Tell your family about the ‘Traditional Tales’ we are sharing this term at school. Can you retell the story of ‘The 3 Little Pigs’? Use art & craft materials to make Christmas decorations together. Remember to model how to hold scissors correctly. Visit the library & borrow books of personal interest. Look at fiction & non-fiction books. Share your new school book regularly. Learn the ‘tricky words’ in your ‘learning tub’ and spot them in your favourite books. Write Christmas cards for family & friends. Ask an adult to write the words on a piece of paper for you to copy. Talk about special family times & celebrations. What do you do? Where do you go? How do you all feel? Make a Christmas countdown chart or your own ‘Advent Calendar’. Find each numeral & talk about which number would be ‘one more’? What number would be next?