Criminal Law: Corrections


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Presentation transcript:

Criminal Law: Corrections

Retributive rehabilitative restorative How does the punishment side of our criminal justice system work? Retributive rehabilitative restorative

Crimes treated very severely Historical corrections: Retributive, rehabilitative or restorative? 18th Century Crimes treated very severely Jails/prisons used as holding areas until actual sentence carried out Sentences: maiming, torture, dismembering, capital punishment, humiliation. No “special treatment” for men, women, children. What contextual details help explain why the above was true for Corrections in the 18th Century? How would you categorise Corrections in this period?

Historical corrections: Retributive, rehabilitative or restorative? 19th Century Statute of 1800: adoption of English Law Punishments: some lessened in severity, fines common, shaming, humiliation, banishment, transportation (Australia, adrift) Creation of prisons: workhouses, penitentiaries, (Quaker influence), prisons. Focus: hurt pride and spirit by depriving of individual assets, rights and freedom. 1867 BNA Act: separation of provincial/federal corrections. 1886 Penitentiary Act: guidelines for inspectors, separation of sexes, young offenders and “insane” convicts. 1886 Act Respecting Public and Reformatory Prisons: separation of young offenders, remission, leave for medical, humanitarian or rehabilitative reasons. What contextual details help explain why the above was true for Corrections in the 19th Century? How would you describe/categorise Corrections in this period?

Historical corrections: Retributive, rehabilitative or restorative? 20th Century Punishment as retribution and deterrence was considered integral, but brutal treatment was being seen as inappropriate by press, advocates (especially Quakers, Salvation Army) 1936 Royal Commission: Church groups activated 1950s: minimum security, rehabilitate on a medical model (therapy, psychotherapy, electric shock, surgery) What contextual details help explain why the above was true for Corrections in the 20th Century? How would you describe/categorise Corrections in this period?

Historical corrections: Retributive, rehabilitative or restorative? 21st Century What contextual details help explain why the above was true for Corrections in the 22st Century? How would you describe/categorise Corrections in this period?

By the numbers today…

Issues in prison today…

Sentencing… Up to the judge to decide. Crown and defense make suggestions, other stakeholders make submissions (Probation Officers, Social Workers, Medical professionals, etc). Criminal code establishes guidelines. “Mandatory minimums” a contemporary political issue. Factors Considered Previous record Seriousness/nature of offence Attitude Risk to society/victims to reoffend Plans for rehabilitation Programs available Range of sentence permitted by law jurisprudence Types of Sentences Discharge Conditional discharge Absolute discharge Suspended sentence Probation Fine/Restitution Privilege Suspension Community Service Imprisonment

Issues in sentencing today…

parole… A gradual release into the community Purpose: reintegration, demonstrate good behaviour, less expensive, minimises negative impacts of incarceration Process: apply to National or Provincial Parole Board depending on where sentence is being served; interview; statements; decision. Factors Considered Seriousness of offence Contributing factors to the offence Previous criminal behaviours Response to incarceration- remorse, participation Response to previous paroles Family support/social contacts Community response Plans of prisoners Views of medical professionals, judges, prison authorities, police Types of Actions Grant Remainder of sentence Escorted/unescorted leave Day parole Day pass Postpone Deny

Guiding Principals Retributive Rehabilitative Restorative Cost Issues today… Guiding Principals Retributive Rehabilitative Restorative Cost Short vs. Long Term Fairness To victims To offenders To society

Not only a governmental responsibility….

Assignment… 1- Select a profile of an offender and fill in any missing details you feel are important. 2- Select your professional roles. 3- Spend 30-40 minutes researching/exploring your role as it relates to your client. 4- Spend 20 minutes sharing your expert knowledge focused around the specific offender and what he/she needs. 5- Spend 20 minutes identifying and discussing the broader systemic issues/characteristics that operate as opportunities or constraints for your client. 6- Prepare an collaborative report for submission.