Homerton Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) 2015/16
WRES In terms of regulation the Trust is required to implement NHS England’s Workforce Race Equality Standard to support it in undertaking its Public Sector Equality Duties. In 2015 this became a requirement within all provider NHS Standard Contracts. The WRES forms the first phase in a programme of work addressing workforce equality issues. The Workforce Race Equality Standard seeks to tackle one particular aspect of equality – the consistently less favourable treatment of the BME workforce – in respect of their treatment and experience. It draws on research about both the scale and persistence of such disadvantage and the evidence of the close links between discrimination against staff and patient care.
WRES Indicators 1 Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce. Organisations should undertake this calculation separately for non-clinical and for clinical staff 2 Relative likelihood of BME staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to that of White staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts. 3 Relative likelihood of BME staff entering the formal disciplinary process compared to that of White staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation. 4 Relative likelihood of BME staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD as compared to White staff.
WRES Indicators 5 KF25 – Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in the last 12 months. 6 KF26 – Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in the last 12 months. 7 KF21 Percentage believing that the trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. 8 Q17. In the last 12 months have personally experienced discrimination at work from any of the following? Manager / team leader or other colleagues 9 Percentage difference between the organisations’ Board voting membership and its overall workforce
Overall Breakdown of BME and White staff against Total Number of Trust Staff (3732 headcount)
Indicator 1: Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce. Clinical Staff (compared to 3732 headcount)
Indicator 1: Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce. Non – Clinical Staff (compared to 3732 headcount)
Indicator 2: Relative likelihood of BME staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to that of White staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts.
Indicator 3: Relative likelihood of BME staff entering the formal disciplinary process compared to that of White staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation (2 year rolling period).
Indicator 4: Relative likelihood of BME staff accessing non- mandatory Training and CPD as compared to White staff.
Indicator 5: KF25 Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in the last 12 months Green = >3% better than Trust average ; Amber = within 3% of Trust average ; Red = >3% worse than Trust average. Q Problem Score Text Trust Average % White BME 15a Harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives or members of the public 27 25 30 Indicator 6: KF26 Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in the last 12 months Q Problem Score Text Trust Average % White BME 15b Harassment, bullying or abuse from managers 13 11 16 15c Harassment, bullying or abuse from other colleagues 19 22
Indicator 7: KF21 Percentage believing that the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. Green = >3% better than Trust average ; Amber = within 3% of Trust average ; Red = >3% worse than Trust average. Q Problem Score Text Trust Average % White BME 16 Organisation does not act fairly: career progression 15 9 23
b) Manager / team leader or other colleagues Indicator 8: Q17 - In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination at work from any of the following? b) Manager / team leader or other colleagues Green = >3% better than Trust average ; Amber = within 3% of Trust average ; Red = >3% worse than Trust average. Q Problem Score Text Trust Average % White BME 17b Discrimination from manager/team leader or other colleagues 10 7 14
Indicator 9: Percentage difference between the organisation’s Board voting membership and its overall workforce
Findings (1) 1 The data from ESR shows that there is an under-representation of BME staff in posts that are Band 8a and above, and there is no representation of BME staff in Bands 8d and 9. There are no staff recorded as BME occupying VSM posts. 2 The data from NHS Jobs shows that 59% of shortlisted applicants are BAME, whereas only 43% of appointed staff are BAME. In contract 41% of shortlisted applicants and 57% of appointed applicants are white. 3 The break down of the Trust’s workforce is 52% BME and 48% White 86% of dismissals are issued to BME staff compared to 14% of dismissals being issued to White staff. 67% of formal sanctions are issued to BME staff compared to 33% of formal sanctions being issued to White staff.
Findings (2) 4 In the 2015 staff survey BME staff were more likely to report that they have had no training, learning or development in the last 12 months. Based on the data available 48% of staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD were BME in 2015/16. 5 Whilst BME staff did not report being disproportionately affected by harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives or members of the public their score is higher than that of White staff. 6 Whilst BME staff did not report being disproportionately affected by harassment, bullying or abuse from managers or other colleagues their score is higher than that of White staff.
Findings (3) 7 The staff survey 2015 highlighted that BME staff were more likely to report that the Trust does not provide equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. Data from ESR reports that 53% of promotions were BME staff compared to 47% of promotions for White staff. This is an improvement from last years figures. 8 BME staff were more likely to report that they were discriminated against by their manager/team leader or other colleague compared to White staff. 9 There is no reported BME representation on the Trust Board.
Actions we are taking to improve. We have developed robust Staff Survey and Equalities action plans in response to the 2015 National Staff Survey results and the 2015 WRES. The plans contain a number of significant actions that are in progress. Further analysis of Workforce data to identify trends. An active Equality Steering Group including updating our E&D objectives for 2016-18. Embedding the Workforce Strategy to pull together Trust-wide workforce issues. Raising the focus of Equality and Diversity within the Trust’s overall Workforce Strategy. Implementing the Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2).
Actions we are taking to improve. Introducing a programme specifically designed to support BME staff to access opportunities for career development and progression. Re-launch of the BAME focus group. Development and implementation of an Acting Up and Secondment Policy and Procedure. Development of a career progression ladder. Equality and diversity awareness campaigns have been run throughout the year Improving training data capture to provide a more comprehensive analysis of non-mandatory training and development