The Canaanites worshipped gods who controlled forces of nature, e.g. COMMON BELIEFS: GODS The Canaanites worshipped gods who controlled forces of nature, e.g. The climate Rain Drought Death Soil fertility Sexual fertility, etc.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GODS Unpredictable. Vindictive. capricious. They needed to be appeased with rituals.
NAMES OF CANAANITE GODS 1. EL: The father of the gods. The creator of all creatures. The highest god.
The final judge of all disputes among the gods. Was married to Asherah who intimidated him. He dwelt on a mountain. Was old and wise. He was not physically strong.
2. BAAL The god of the storm. Was day to day king of the gods. He controlled the annual rain storm. He was in charge of the fertility of human and the land.
He was given the following titles: King; Eternal One, Lord of Heaven and Earth. Was also known as “Baal the Prevailer”. He is portrayed holding a war club as a symbol of thunder. Was subordinate to EL.
3. ASHERAH Was the wife of El. She ruled over the seas. She influenced El’s decisions.
4. ANAT She was Baal’s sister. She was a warrior who fought for her brother Baal. She was identified with sexual charms. She was the goddess of love and war.
5. ASTARTE She was the goddess of fertility. There was widespread worship of her. Many cultic places were dedicated to her worship. She was sometimes depicted holding out her breasts to her worshippers.
RELIGIOUS PRACTICES OF CANAAN AND ISRAEL COMPARED AND CONTRASTED ISRAELITE RELIGION CANAANITE RELIGION 1. They used myths to explain certain religious truths. 2. Priests were in charge of rituals. 2. Kings were in charge of rituals. 3. One God, called Yahweh. 3. Many gods with different names.
ISRAELITE RELIGION CANAANITE RELIGION 4. Offered burned sacrifices to their God. 4. Offered burnt sacrifices to their gods. 5. Their altars had four projections at the corners. 6. Their temple had three main divisions. 6. Their temples had three main divisions. 7. Sacrificed animals to God. 7. Sacrificed animals and children to the gods.
8. They used high places or raised outdoor altars 8. They used high places or raised outdoor altars. (later condemned by the prophets). 8. Used the massebar (stone pillar symbol of the male fertility gods, and to sacrifice to ancestors). 9. They burnt incense to God. 9. Burnt incense to the gods. 10. Offered bread to God. 10. Offered cakes to the goddess of fertility.
11. God represented by statues. 11. Used statues. 12. Children had a special duty to take care of old parents. 12. Children were obliged to take care of and respect their parents. 13. Priests had to be fully dressed when on duty. 13. Priests and priestesses sometimes ministered to the gods whilst naked.