Country Experiences: Cambodia Hong Choeun National Employment Agency Synthesis Workshop on School-to-Work Transition Information Bases in Asia and the Pacific 23-26 August 2011 Imperial Queens Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Key Findings MAJOR CHALLENGES Statistical Approaches to Skills Need Monitoring Few systematic statistical surveys or other sources of quantitative information on skills needs , except: Labour Force Survey (2001), Socio-Economic Survey (2011) Establishment Survey (2000), Population Census (2008), and Establishment Census (2011) Some administrative records from the Labour Ministry, NEA, etc. Surveys have not been carried out regularly Administrative data are incomplete, no unified formats or proper standard classification Relevant legal framework has not been fully implemented Limited resources ( mainly dependent on external donor funding)
Limited level of staff expertise (dependent on international experts) Statistical Approaches to Detect Labor Market Performace No systematic surveys on post -training employment experience carried out at national level or by individual training providers No systematic or unified administrative data record from individual training providers or TVET administrator, except incomplete record on registered jobseekers from NEA Relevant legal framework has not been fully implemented Limited resources for data collection Low expertise level of staff of TVET administrator, NEA, and individual training provider
Qualitative Approaches to Monitor Skills Needs and Transition Process Though National Training Board (NTB), the apex body for coordinating and formulating TVET policy, has been set up, it has met only one per year and at national level only Level of participation from employers is still week Level of expertise of participants is still limited Not full implementation of what have been agreed in the meeting NEA employment service has covered only a small fraction of jobseekers Limited resources and expertise level of NTB and NEA staff
Key Findings POLICY MEASURES INTRODUCED TO IMPROVE STW TRANSITION INFO BASES Introducing core legal framework: Statistics Law, Sub-decree on National Statistical System, Sub-decree on Designated Official Statistics, Sub-decree on LMI, etc. Provision of better LMI has been stressed in the top national policy and strategy (Rectangular Strategy, National Strategic Development Plan), and the National TVET Plan Establishment of a tripartite National Training Board to better coordinate among main stakeholders and formulate TVET policy
Setting up under NTB three tripartite Sub-committee on: Setting up the National Employment Agency with a mandate as a Designated Statistical Unit responsible for LMI Setting up under NTB three tripartite Sub-committee on: LIM Qualification Framework and Competency Standards Testing and Quality Assurance Setting up of LMIS, and Vocational Education and Training Management Information System (VETMIS) under support of ADB project for supporting TVET in Cambodia (2011-2015)
Key Findings EXAMPLES OF BEST PRACTICES Establishment of the National Training Board as a national institutional platform for better formulating TVET policy and coordinating between government, industry and training providers.
RECOMMENDATIONS TO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Develop specific strategy and plan for conducting surveys for tracking skills needs and labour market situation Developing unified formats and standards for integrating administrative data related to s-to-w transition Improve enforcement of related legal framework Provide better financial resources and develop staff capacity and expertise Improve better participation in NTB and expand it to provincial and local levels
PROPOSED AREAS OF INTERVENTION FOR UNESCO Provide assistance for: training to develop expertise on statistical surveys for tracking skills needs and labour market situation, and on good practices in collecting and reporting administrative data (including attaching experts to provide on the job training ) organizing study tours/internship to countries/institutions with good practices supporting high priority statistical surveys for tracking skills needs and labour market situation