Name: Konstantinos Lentas (Early Stage Researcher) Place of origin: Greece Host Institution: School of Environmental Sciences / University of East Anglia – Norwich (UK) Supervisor: Dr. Ana M. G. Ferreira Appointment time: 1st February 2010
Scientific background: 2003: BSc in Geology (Department of Geology - National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) Dissertation: Seismotectonic Analysis of West Corinthian Gulf 2006: MSc in Geophysics – Seismology (Department of Geology - National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) Dissertation: Site Effect Analysis using accelerometric data in the West Corinthian Gulf
Scientific interests: Earthquake source parameters Earth's structure Inverse problems Computer programming Current project: Analysis and modelling of long-period seismic data for earthquake and Earth structure characterisation Collaborators: I.P.G.P. – Prof. J.-P. Montagner Ludwig-Maximilians University – Prof. H. Igel University of Oxford – Prof. J. Woodhouse