Pump-Up Epidemic diseases still exist today. Name some diseases that affect the world today.
Hundred Years’ War & the Plague
Today’s Vocabulary The Great Schism John Wycliffe Bubonic Plague Division in the Church when there were three popes. John Wycliffe Man who taught that the Bible alone, not the pope, was the final authority for Christian life. Bubonic Plague Epidemic that killed around 25 million people and was spread by fleas.
Today’s Vocabulary Joan of Arc Teenage girl who saved France during the Hundred Years’ War.
The Great Schism The papacy was moved to Avignon, France. Since people did not like the current pope, they elected a 2nd pope who ruled from Rome. Each declared the other to be a false pope and excommunicated his rival. Later, a 3rd pope also held power. With the help of the Holy Roman Emperor, the council forced all 3 popes to resign. Left the papacy greatly weakened.
Challenge to Church Authority John Wycliffe preached that Jesus Christ, not the pope, was the true head of the Church. He spread his ideas by translating the New Testament into English. Jan Hus taught that the authority of the Bible was higher than that of the pope. Burned at the stake.
Bubonic Plague Strikes The plague originated from Asia and spread along trade routes by fleas living on rats. Killed 25 million Europeans. Effects: Population fell Trade decline Inflation Serfs left manors Peasants revolted
Hundred Years’ War England wanted to control France. The longbow changed warfare. Gave England the advantage in the beginning. Joan of Arc led the French in battle and helped save France. Effects: Nationalism rises. Power of the French monarch increased. English suffered a period of international turmoil.