Welcome! Accountable Math Talk “Never say what a kid can say” Please take a seat at a desk with a folder. 8:00-8:10am
Intro Who you are? Name, family, kids, pets, hobby... Your position What will you be teaching? Where? Goal for today? What do you hope to get out of today? 8:13-8:30
Intro Today’s Agenda Discussion of Accountable Math Talk Do some math Resources Introduction to Mathematical Habits of Mind and Interaction 8:13-8:30
Learning Target and Success Criteria Learning Target: Learn about different ways to improve discourse in math lessons. Learning Target: Learn different scientific habits of mind and interaction, catalytic teaching habits and teaching routines. Success Criteria: I can name at least two different strategies to imporve discourse in math lessons. 8:10-8:13
Accountable Math Talk What is it Accountable Math Talk What is it? NCTM says, “the ways of representing, thinking, talking and agreeing and disagreeing that teachers and students use to engage in mathematical tasks. 8:00-8:10am
Accountable Math Talk Why do it Accountable Math Talk Why do it? Standard for Math Practice 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 8:00-8:10am
Accountable Math Talk How do you do it. Before a lesson… Accountable Math Talk How do you do it? Before a lesson… - Define your goal. What do you hope to accomplish in that lesson? - Choose a Problem. If you want multiple solutions and strategies, choose a problem that lends itself to multiple solutions and strategies. - Anticipate student responses 8:00-8:10am
Accountable Math Talk How do you do it. During a lesson… Accountable Math Talk How do you do it? During a lesson… - Monitor student responses. - Select students to present - Sequence student responses – this part should be deliberate. - Connect student responses 8:00-8:10am
Accountable Math Talk Math Talk Moves Revoicing Restating what someone else is saying by repeating, summarizing, rephrasing or translating his/her words “So you’re saying that…” Repeating Repeating what someone said to show that what he/she said was heard and understood “So, Reggie is saying that…” Reasoning Comparing your reasoning to a peers “I disagree with Dawn because…” Adding on Making a connection “I agree with Joel, but I want to add” Revising Making changes to your own thinking “After listening to Andre, I now think….” 8:00-8:10am
Let’s do some math!
Diego paid $47 for 3 tickets to a concert Diego paid $47 for 3 tickets to a concert. Andre paid $141 for 9 tickets to a concert. Did they pay at the same rate? Explain your reasoning. Lin paid at the same rate as Andre and spent $235. How many tickets did Lin purchase?
Habits of Mind and Habits of Interaction Tip This handout will be your best friend! “Math Habits and Routines” 8:55-8:56 Have them find their HOMI sheet
8:56 - 9:15 Three minutes purposeful private reasoning time 8:56 - 9:15 Three minutes purposeful private reasoning time. AB partners. Discuss for one minute something that stuck out to them…. Curiosity, wondering, knowledge.
HOMI More info! HOMI Posters Tip Keep these posted in your room and intentionally refer to them. 9:15-9:35 Quickly go over the slides and what they mean
Break 9:35-9:45 9:45-10:30 Spend time on each of these. Have teachers share what they did in their classrooms.
Resources Achieve the Core
Illustrative Math
5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions
Jo Boaler Week of Inspirational Math Mathematical Mindsets What’s Math Got to Do with It?