Curriculum Night 2010 Mrs. Chinn Mrs. Choate Mrs. Moore Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night 2010 Mrs. Chinn Mrs. Choate Mrs. Moore
Common Development Characteristics of students in Third Grade Third Graders Often… begin to share a sense of competence with skills. are full of energy. challenge limits and boundaries. are resilient and bounce back quickly from mistakes. listen, but are so full of ideas they cannot always recall what has been said.
Literacy In Third Grade… students select and combine skills to read fluently with meaning and purpose. apply comprehension and vocabulary strategies to a literacy genres and informational text. demonstrate understanding by participating in discussions, written responses, and using evidence from text to support their thinking.
A Typical Day in 3rd Grade 8:20-8:30am Open Doors-Begin ADD Math 8:30-8:50am Everyday Counts Calendar Math 8:50-9:50am Math 9:50-11:20am Language Arts Core 11:20-12:05pm Lunch and Recess 12:05-12:20 3rd Grade Read Aloud Time 12:20-1:30 Science/Social Studies/Computer/Work Time 1:30-1:45 Recess 1:45-2:05 D.E.A.R. Time 2:05-2:40 2:40-2:50pm Class Jobs/Clean Classroom/Get Ready To Go Home 2:50 Dismissal
Arts Block Arts Block includes: Music Movement Art PE In the visual arts, music, and creative movement acquire knowledge and skills to create, perform, and respond in the arts and in other content areas. We hare Arts Block every Tuesday afternoon. PE is on Friday.
Reading 90 Minute Reading Block Everyday 60 minutes is spent in whole group. 30 minutes is spent in leveled instructional groups within our Third Grade classroom. Reading Instruction will focus on Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Motivation, Cognition, and Knowledge using the Houghton Mifflin District adopted curriculum.
Reading Expectations Phonics- Uses phonics, language structure and context clues to read accurately Fluency- Reads aloud at a rate of 77 wpm in the fall, 90 wpm in the winter and 110 wpm in the spring or more words correct per minute by the end of 3rd grade Vocabulary- Build vocabulary through reading and word study Comprehension- Identifies main ideas, relevant details and facts and opinions Motivation- Chooses to read a variety of materials, including fiction and nonfiction Cognition- Applies appropriate thinking strategies before, during, and after reading Knowledge- Develops knowledge about different features of a variety of texts
We will study the following areas of Mathematics this year… Place Value Adding and Subtracting Geometry Multiplication and Division Fractions Collecting and Organizing Data Measurement
Math cont… Number Sense: Represents, compares, and orders whole numbers through 1000 Uses strategies including estimation to add and subtract 2-3 digit numbers Understands the meaning of multiplication and division on whole numbers
Math cont… Measurement: Estimates and measures length, time, weight, money, and temperature Understands and uses nonstandard units and tools of measurement
Math cont… Geometric Sense: Uses attributes to identify, name, draw, compare, and sort shapes Understands the concept of congruence Understands relative locations including intervals of numbers on a positive number line
Math cont… Probability & Statistics Collects and organizes data Constructs and interprets graphs Understands and applies mode
Math cont… Algebraic Sense Recognizes, describes, and extends patterns using addition and subtraction Applies understanding of the concept of mathematical equality through writing and solving equations Uses mathematical symbols ( +, -, =) to write equations
Writing We will focus on… developing and organizing ideas with a clear beginning, middle, and end. applying writing conventions for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. writing in a variety of forms and for different audiences.
Units we will focus on throughout the year are: Social Studies Through units of study, students will build knowledge and skills in history, geography, economics, and civics with the goal of developing responsible citizenship. Units we will focus on throughout the year are: Mapping Skills Cultures from Around the World Early Coast Northwest People
Science Topics of study include: Through making observations and planning investigations, students build their understanding of science. Topics of study include: Sound Rocks and Minerals Plant Growth & Development
Technology Areas of Focus are… Learning keyboarding and word processing skills. Beginning to apply technology skills to learning.
Homework Homework will be sent home in a packet each Monday and due back to school on Thursday complete with a parent signature. However, homework should be done 5 nights a week. With Friday night practicing their spelling words and reading 10-15 min per night. Each night your child is expected to read and practice their spelling words. Homework should take approx. 30 min a night.
Discipline School Wide-We use a behavior system called PBS-Positive Behavior Support In class-Students know how they are doing every minute by the color of their behavior cards. This is a visual way of remembering: Purple-I’m going above and beyond! Green-I’m a Self-Manager! Yellow-Caution! You have been warned! Red-Stop! Write in your Management Folder! Lose a recess Blue-You will take a Parent Letter Home
Please Don’t Forget to . . . Sign up for a conference time before leaving. Conferences are held on Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday October 20th, 21st & 22nd. The sign up sheets are in your child’s classroom. Read and respond to your child’s letter. It’s on your child’s desk. Your child would love to hear from you! Visit Us on the Web!!! Go to School websites Truman Teacher pages