Perspectives on Leadership in Small Groups Small group leadership is an interactive phenomenon; it results from communicative behaviors appropriate to group task and relationship goals, other members’ behaviors, the context, and other contingencies.
Leadership and Leaders Sources of influence
Emergent Leadership Model [fig. 9.1]
Leadership and Leaders: Sources of Influence Power Legitimate power Referent power Expert power
Leadership and Leaders Designated leader Leadership emergence
Leadership and Leaders Personal Characteristics of Emergent Leaders Self-monitoring
Theoretical Approaches to Leadership Traits approach
Theoretical Approaches to Leadership Styles approaches Democratic leaders Laissez-faire leaders Autocratic leaders
Theoretical Approaches to Leadership Contingency approaches The functions approach Fiedler’s contingency model Hersey and Blanchard’s situational model Communicative competencies approach
Task and Relationship Needs of Maturing Groups [9.3]
Communicative Competencies of Effective Discussion Leaders Communicate actively, clearly, and concisely Communicate a good grasp of group’s task Inspire team members’ confidence in themselves Mediate information and ideas from all members
Communicative Competencies of Effective Discussion Leaders Express their opinions provisionally Express group-centered concern Model a collaborative climate Celebrate diversity Share rewards and crit with the group
The Relationship between Leaders and Followers Leader-member exchange model
The Case for Distributed Leadership “The best sign of the leader is, when the work is done, the team says, ‘We did it ourselves.’ ” --J.M., Executive Coach and President, Marketing Firm