MCWG, Brussels 2014-04-11 Thomas Vercammen Petter ÅSMAN 12 Jan 2016 MCWG, Brussels 2014-04-11 Thomas Vercammen Petter ÅSMAN State of play UNECE IWG on Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements for L-category vehicles (EPPR) Practical: past and next meetings State of play GTR on Evaporative and Crankcase emissions GTR on OBD-I Roadmap
Past meetings Next meetings audio-web conference, 24 Sep 2015 audio-web conference, 13 Oct 2015 audio-web conference, 18 Nov 2015 13th meeting in Brussels, 26-27 Nov 2015 (TELCO) audio-web conference, 09 Dec 2015 Next meetings 14th meeting in Geneva, 12 January 2015 (OBD) Schedule for meetings (face-to-face & audio-web conferences) in 2016 issued in January
Evaporative and Crankcase emissions State of play Evaporative and Crankcase emissions Formal GTR proposal: GRPE-2016-02 Amendment proposal (Informal Doc) has been prepared on the basis of inputs by the EC, IND, IMMA, US, CAN, JPN Target to have this ID adopted at January GRPE-72, together with the formal document, aiming to a final adoption at WP29 – June 2016; Combined with the final draft Technical Report: GRPE-72-06 MCWG 19.12.2013
State of play OBD-I EPPR-13-23.XLS = working draft GTR version 4, including meeting minutes and drafting history EPPR-14-06 = latest EC proposal Few open issues addressed by Japan (EPPR-14-14). Review of EPPR-14-14 due by Feb 5th 2016 Target is to submit a formal document in time (14 Mar) for GRPE-73 (June 2016) MCWG 19.12.2013
EPPR Roadmap Topics for 2nd phase Phase II Phase I 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th EPPR IWG ToR/ Roadmap GTR Evap incl crankcase req GTR OBD UN Stage I (L3) GTR 2 :Type I, II VII (CO2/FC) (L1/L3) Amend GTRs for 3/wheelers Crankcase test (L1/L3) Durability (L1/L3) Topics for 2nd phase GTR OBD UN Stage II (L3) Electric range and consumption (L1/L3) Propulsion unit performance (Vmax, Power, Torque) Development of UN Regulations Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 GRPE-meetings 70th 71st 72nd 73rd
Web page for the EPPR IWG: Contact information NEW Chair: Adolfo Perujo Secretariat: Thomas VERCAMMEN Daniela Leveratto Hardik Makhija