2017 PREP Mid Period Planning Meeting (MPM) 27 September 2017
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Exercise Objective Date Exercise Agenda -AOR In-Brief -Oil Spill 101 -Exercise -Scenario 1 -Scenario 2 Discussion Questions Invitations Next Steps and Closing Remarks
Welcome Ensign Joseph Diener Contingency Planning and Force Readiness Sector Southeastern New England
Introductions Name Organization
Exercise Objective Facilitate an executive level discussion on the issues that would arise and the response actions that will be taken should there be a major oil spill that threatens the shoreline and resources of the Cape Cod National Seashore.
Date Tentatively Scheduled Wednesday, December 6th Conflicts: Regional Response Team 1&2 Meetings Various Personnel and agency conflicts Alternate Dates Proposed: Week of Jan 1 and Week of Jan 15th Work assignments / target dates January 18th Snow day: Snow plan/drop time prior to day
AOR In-Brief Design – Facilitator – Dr. Nita Talent Length – 30-45 Minutes Resources needed – Projector
Oil Spill 101 Design – Steve Lehmann Concepts: Facilitator – Steve Lehmann Length – 2 hours Resources needed - Invite – Review ICS/NIMS Homeport – Open Side for document uploads Include discussion on GRPS
Exercise Design – Committee Concept: On-Season and Off-Season Scenarios Facilitator – LTJG Kate Hayden Length – Half Day; Each Scenario 1-1.5 hr Resources needed Projector, Slides, Plans Power for laptops 2 Scenarios running in tandem Resources at Risk Documents ESIs: ERMA/IRMA Incident Command/Unified Command – Agency and Individual Roles
Scenario 1 Location/Time – East Side of Cape, Early August Source – Petroleum VSL collision at sea with large fishing VSL Impact – 100K + Petroleum on land Result – Shoreline impact of petroleum product (Diesel) during peak tourism season. Required exercise ACP annually Who else needs ex/eval their plans? Diesel – Most likely product
Scenario 2 Location/Time – East Side of Cape, Off Season Source – Petroleum VSL collision at sea with large fishing VSL Impact – 100K + Petroleum on land Result – Shoreline impact of petroleum product (Diesel) during off season emphasizing impact to wildlife.
Discussion Questions Ex. How will notifications be made? Agency Internal? Inter-Agency External? To the public? What areas require the most immediate response? What are response time frames for assets?
Potential Discussion Questions Initial Notification : How are agencies notified of the incident? Who will be involved in the UC? Under what conditions would the UC be expanded? What are the incident objectives specific to the scenario? What are the initial course of actions agencies will take? Command Post locations? Staging areas? JIC and Liaison officers Activation of mutual response network How are agencies communicating with each other? Dispatch working relationships. Dispatch locations How will assets arrive on-scene? What assets are available for response? What are the protection priorities? What are the clean up priorities? Clean up end point? Best Management Practices Emphasis clean-up priorities over protection priorities Objectives: Ex: Risk communications to the public, economic impacts,
Invitations Agencies/Individuals: U.S. Coast Guard Cape Cod National Seashore US Fish and Wildlife NOAA OSHA FEMA EPA MEMA MA DEP MA MEP MA SP MA Fire Marshall BCREPC Local FD’s & EMS MA Harbormaster Assoc. (Observer) Tribal (Wampanoag) State Historic Preservation Officer Audubon Center for Coastal Studies MA Marine Fisheries Coastal Zone Management Barnstable County Dispatch International Fund for Animal Welfare Wild Care/Tri-State Bird Rescue Politicians OSRO BCREPC Re-invite
Invitations Facilitator invite VIP invite Participant invite -Individuals: Participant invite Email invite sent by________
Closing Remarks Due outs. Thank you for your participation. Scenario Finalization Save-the-dates Invite list completed Handouts Evaluators/Scribes/Facilitators A/V Needs Thank you for your participation.