Result of the Project Implementation on:


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Presentation transcript:

Result of the Project Implementation on: LoA Between FiA & NNSU Result of the Project Implementation on: Improving the Quality and Safety for Better Livelihood and Promoting Market Access through the Implication of the Fish Paste Product Standard Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries GMS Working Group on Agriculture

Contents: 1. Project Back ground and rational 2. Project Objectives 3. Project Outputs and Outcomes 4. Project challenging and lesson learnt 5. Suggestion and recommendation Note: Examples should include in-country inputs to CASP regional activities where applicable as well as national activities. Use the summary of country progress from the 2015 Annual Progress Report as reference.

Project Background & Rational Prahoc/Fish paste is unique traditional food of Cambodia product from the natural fish capture for every one consume every days as their food supplement ingredient or direct as food, especially for the rural poor. Contribute to economic of Cambodia and food security of the country Due to concerning on Values added loose: in term of Raw material and technology to product the product is from Cambodia but the product can not access to market by Cambodia name with final product due to lack of quality and safety and packaging properly. also Lead to loose of the brand name and less profit

7 Steps in Improving the Food Safety and Quality Step 1: to assess/know all the existing Prahoc product, production and value chain; Step 2: Identify the needed and recommendation for the solution; Step 3: Capacity building step for the processor and competent authority; Step 4: Pilot demonstration based on the Prahoc Product standard and GMP/GHP apply and practice; Step 5: Packaging and storage; Step 6: Inspection and certification system control; Step 7: Marketing promotion and public awareness raising.

Project Objectives General Objective is to improve the product quality and safety for better livelihood and promoting market access through the implication of fish paste product standard. Specific Objectives within the first of the step to achieve the food safety and quality of the Prahoc processing among all the seven steps are: Assess on existing Prahoc product, production and value chain Promote the Awareness raising, dissemination, and enhancing the capacity building for the target stakeholders which involved in the Prahoc Product and production value chain through the effective IEC tools and/or materials. Establish pilot/demonstration sites for the implication of the newly developed Standards (on GHP implication) for promoting market access and better livelihood. Disseminations and knowledge management of this effective model on GHP application of this implication on the newly national Prahoc Product Standard to the stakeholder.

Project Outputs 1- An assessment was conducted and developed report for 200 copies on existing Prahoc product, its production processes and value chain (more focus on aspect of the Prahoc technology, quality, safety, packaging, marketing, certification, and capacity need) with producers, consumers and at respective institutional officials; 2- 50 Prahoc processors and traders will be provided with precise knowledge and train as TOT on the basic concepts of food safety and Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) and National Prahoc Product Standard with the equal gender balance; 3- 30 FiA staff from central and all 24 provincial will be train and have precise knowledge as a TOT on the basic concepts of food safety and Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) and National Prahoc Product Standard; 4- One Prahoc Processor group/association will be formulated as a processing association/group for Prahoc and Fish and Fisheries Product Processing One Village One Fisheries Product with Capacity Built; 5-Two demonstration sites will be established in Siem Reap with supporting of the equipment and applying the GHP best practice in their processing chain

6- 1000 copies each of some IEC tools and materials will be published 7- 60% of target beneficiary will have a greater level of awareness on the basic concept of food safety, Good Hygiene Practice (GHP); and national Prahoc Products Standard. 8- People do Develop a draft of Prahoc GMP & GHP code of conduct 9- Project inception, final project workshop, validation workshop on the Prahoc assessment, IEC tool & material consultation, will be conducted for the processors, consumers, traders, government authorities, donors and other relevant stakeholders to provide their view, ideas, comments and recommendations. 10- Project dissemination and sharing lesson learnt workshop will be conducted.

Project Outcomes Outcome 1: FiA learned the weakness in existing practices of Prahoc product production, stocking and marketing to local markets and exporting to mainly neighboring countries mainly to Thailand and Lao PDR as the semi-finished product. The study unfolded the further needs to strengthen institutional support mechanisms to enhance the quality, safety and technology of Prahoc production, management and marketing mechanism to local and international markets.   Outcome 2: FiA developed and improved the knowledge management processes for the total Prahoc product value chain processes. They produced and disseminated IEC materials, conducted workshops, trainings and seminars enhanced to knowledge on Prahoc production and created awareness among the consumers’ levels.

Outcome 3: demonstration sites contributed as a model of implications on GHP application of the newly developed Standard for the Prahoc enabling engagement of all related stakeholders. Prahoc producers learned and applied the GHP implication of the standard in their overall Prahoc production which lead to the development of marketing system, increased options to export as the finished product, reduction of unsafe by using any harmful chemicals in the Prahoc and improving the practical of GHP and GMP with effective and efficient monitoring/inspection/control and follow up and certification silk system of the Prahoc product value chain processes resulted social, environment, human health, especially Cambodia’s people and enhanced. Outcome 4: awareness and capacity improved through different IEC materials among the Prahoc producers and users levels. Institutional capacity strengthened, systematic approach enforced and certified, effective coordination and cooperation came into practices from local to national levels.

Project Impacts Increase our revenue every 50% more from our Prahoc export by the finished product is compare to the semi-finished product which lead to contribute the national economic. Expected that long term we can get back of our brand name/uniqueness of Prahoc as “Prahoc Siem Reap make in Cambodia” not Prahoc Siem Reap make in Neighboring country 50% of the total Prahoc producers in Cambodia can have knowledge and have skill on the food safety and Prahoc strandard and their GMP/GHP requirement and change the behavior of the current practical to apply with this standard requirement and at least with a minimum requirement of food safety standard. At least our Cambodia’s Prahoc Standard can be adapted as the regional and international standard. At least 50% of the total Prahoc production is healthy Prahoc ncreased its market share at local levels

Lesson Learnts: Increase our revenue every 50% more from our Prahoc export by the finished product is compare to the semi-finished product which lead to contribute the national economic. Expected that long term we can get back of our brand name/uniqueness of Prahoc as “Prahoc Siem Reap make in Cambodia” not Prahoc Siem Reap make in Neighboring country 50% of the total Prahoc producers in Cambodia can have knowledge and have skill on the food safety and Prahoc strandard and their GMP/GHP requirement and change the behavior of the current practical to apply with this standard requirement and at least with a minimum requirement of food safety standard. At least our Cambodia’s Prahoc Standard can be adapted as the regional and international standard. At least 50% of the total Prahoc production is healthy Prahoc ncreased its market share at local levels

Lesson Learned: Project Can contribute to the National or regional benefit for sustainable food quality and safety , economic, maintain brand name of it national Unique product with a very complete set of the product Change behavior of the Prahoc stakeholder from producer, government authority seller snd consumer through the impact of CB and Awareness raising Able to test the quality Prahoc product standrad through out the pilot side and product testing. Minize of the values lost of the products a long the value chain Promote that Product to have more market access Strong commitment from the all actors from producer, gov’t authority and processor which can lead to achieve most with enough resourcess

Lack Point: Project is limite just for TA support which can not assure to achieved of improving Prahoc Quality and Safety through out the 7 steps Only soft part support is not really achieves Limitation of Financial resources Work with the community is harder to achieving than with the individual family producer due to the community people concerning only the immediat direct benefit in daily time untike to family is need for the long term benefit Short duration and need to test the product quality and safety

Good Point: We can get some testing Prahoc from the pilot Prahoc product The pilot producer willingness to learn and has skill and Practice and Change behavior with their sound ownership with their contribiution This project fully help and contribute as the multi benefit and multi sectors from sustainable natural resources, Food security, economic, culture maintaining and health and people perception with in short term and long term.

Challenges/Issues: Limitation of Fund support and with just TA and can not assures that can improve d for food safety and quality more effectively No budget for supporting in infrastructure for GHM & GMP improvement as a very basic concrete requirement Less commitment from community producer and contribution of their resources This project to apply for the national prahoc standard is just the 1st national, regional, available just for cambodia that why it is difficult to assure on it. Pilot place is not really can sustain for the pilot project due to the government need that land use for public interest.

Keys Success: Strong commitment and knowledgeable of the project team leader and easy to give director and comments on it. Involving all relevant stakeholder and all of them more understand and supporting from CFi, LGos, FiA Cantonment Producer can get some support of the equipment for the benefit of their furture. Good coordination and collaboration among the project implementer and funder. This project is very interesting and benefit to many relevant stakeholders and fulfill the social, economic, cultural, natural environmental aspects.

Activities Can be Scale Out : Proposed extend od the pilot side but with supporting to all basic 7 steps and elements in improving of food safety and quality for Prahoc Include extend to build more capacity and awareness raising to more relevants stakeholders especially for the harmful and dangerous of the 3 hazards and improving of Prahoc product standards and GMP and GHP with the best technology to applies and included for certification system and market access. Would like to extend for the other product that more useful and communing much for Cambodian people such as the Dried Sneak head fish for the same this project to improve of the product quality and safety and livelihood and market access of the product.

Thank you