Working to Keep our Children Safe in a World Filled with Technology Online Safety Working to Keep our Children Safe in a World Filled with Technology Mrs. Rachel Pehrson – Farnsworth Elementary
We Teach Our Children Basic Safety Never talk to strangers. Look both ways before you cross the street. Play nicely with others. Don’t touch things that may be dangerous. If something scares you, get help from an adult you trust.
The Same Principles Apply When They Go Online
Questions We Will Answer What is the district and school doing to ensure my student is safe online? What is the teacher doing in the classroom to ensure my student’s safety online? What can I do as a parent to keep my student safe online at home?
District and School Policies Each student can use the computers at school using their own secure login and password. All school computers are filtered using the district filter system. Harmful content is blocked from being accessed. As new webpages are created on the world wide web, the filters are updated to continue to block unacceptable material at school.
Acceptable Use Policy Each year all school staff members and students are required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy before using the computers. The policy outlines the rules and behaviors governing use of our computers and online resources. The current policy was revised in 2007. All parents and students signed the policy in the information packet at the beginning of the year. You can get a copy of the policy at the school office or online at dequity/translationandinterpretingservices/DISTRICT/Forms/ AllItems.aspx
Student Acceptable Use Terms Personal contact information may not be submitted on internet sites. Students may use the Internet only for teacher directed and supervised activities. Students do not have an expectation of privacy when using district equipment. Students are prohibited to access unacceptable material, alter software or equipment, plagiarize content, use multi-user domains and web chat.
Student Acceptable Use Terms If these terms are violated, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken. Actions may include loss of use of computers Suspension involvement of law enforcement other appropriate response
School Computer Labs We have 2 computer labs at our school which we use as a class typically once a week. The teacher is always present in the lab. All computers are closely monitored and are in view of the teacher at all times. LanDesk is a new software program in our lab that can monitor every computer in the room from one location. The teacher can see the monitor of every computer and assist students easily.
Online Safety in the Classroom We have 3 student computers in our class. All computers are closely monitored and are in view of the teacher at all times. Students are only allowed on the computer for teacher-directed activities. Internet use in our classroom is limited to mostly teacher use and whole class activities rather than one student using the internet.
Topics of Online Safety at School Three main risks of technology: Inappropriate Contact Inappropriate Content Inappropriate Conduct
Inappropriate Contact Cyber bullying Internet Strangers Predators Hackers
Inappropriate Content Viewed information and files Messaging Uploaded information – including social networking sites and home webpages
Inappropriate Conduct Be the same person online as you are offline. Nothing is private or truly anonymous online. Treat others and their content with respect.
Basic Online Safety Rules Talk to your parents or a trusted adult about what you are doing online. Never give out personal information online. Always be polite and respectful online. Go only to places you know are safe. Don’t ever meet anyone in person you met online. If there is something that bothers you online, turn off the monitor and tell an adult. Ask if you have questions about what to do.
Teaching Resources for Online Safety NetSmartz Cyber Smart McGruff Safety Disney Online Safety I Keep Safe Other online resources and activities
What Can Parents Do To Help? Keep Current Understand the technology your student is using (computers, ipods, cell phones, etc.) Know how all these devices work and their online capabilities Be aware of new technology
What Can Parents Do To Help? Keep Communicating Talk to your student about how he or she uses technology Set clear rules Keep communication lines open Know who your student is talking to online Know what your student is doing at friend’s houses Make sure your student knows to come to you if they find something disturbing
What Can Parents Do To Help? Keep Checking Monitor online use Keep the computer in a family space in your home Know what sites your student goes to Know all usernames and passwords Know how to access the history on your internet browser and do it often Let your student know that you will be checking on their internet use Consider using monitoring or filtering controls
Together we can keep our students safe online
Available Resources Mrs. Pehrson’s Webpage Links to internet safety information and grade level appropriate and fun educational games and websites Safe Kids – safety advice and tools Netsmartz – tips and activities for parents, teens, and kids Get Net Wise – computer security How does the internet work?
Available Resources Cyber Smart – Online lesson plans I Keep Safe – ideas and activities for parents and kids Disney Online Safety – tips and activities McGruff the Crime Dog – safety on and offline K9 Web Protection – free internet filtering software