Animals in danger
Jane goodall helped to protect them. chimpanze Eats with its hands. Jane goodall helped to protect them. Gets ill when humans near it are ill.
Has black and white legs. okapi Has a long blue tongue. Is a new species. Has black and white legs.
Leaves its babies for many hours at night. kakapos Is green and yellow. Leaves its babies for many hours at night. Lives in new zelanda.
Can be four metrers long. Has one or two horns. White rhino Can be four metrers long. Has one or two horns. Doesn't have babies easily in zoos. e.jpeg k
Antartica is a good place for it. Blue whale Antartica is a good place for it. Can live for ninety years. Is from the dolphins family
tapir Carries its babies for a year Lives in the andes mountain Needs its mother's milk for a year
tiger Is the biggest animal in the cat family People kill it for its beautiful coat Goes a long way when hunting
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